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                             61 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Additive Manufacturing of Solid Products for Oral Drug Delivery Using Binder Jetting Three-Dimensional Printing Wang, Yingya

23 6 artikel
2 Advanced Vesicular Systems for Antifungal Drug Delivery Mosallam, Shaimaa

23 6 artikel
3 A High-Throughput LC-MS/MS Method for the Simultaneous Quantification of Twenty-Seven Drug Molecules in Ocular Tissues Matter, Brock

23 6 artikel
4 A Hypoxia-Sensitive Drug Delivery System Constructed by Nitroimidazole and its Application in the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Meng, Tingting

23 6 artikel
5 Alpha Tocopherol Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles: Preparation, Characterizations, and In Vitro Assessments Against Oxidative Stress in Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Laliwala, Aayushi

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6 5-Aminolevulinic Acid-Hyaluronic Acid Complexes Enhance Skin Retention of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid and Therapeutic Efficacy in the Treatment of Hypertrophic Scar Yang, Liya

23 6 artikel
7 A Novel Preparation Method for Effervescent Tablets of Xianganfang Containing Fresh Juice using a Semi-Solid Extrusion 3D Printer with Three Cartridge Holders Dong, Xiangru

23 6 artikel
8 Antileishmanial Agents Co-loaded in Transfersomes with Enhanced Macrophage Uptake and Reduced Toxicity Zahid, Fatima

23 6 artikel
9 Application of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II in Multi-objective Optimization of Orally Disintegrating Tablet Formulation Zhang, Jiaqi

23 6 artikel
10 ASD Formation Prior to Material Characterization as Key Parameter for Accurate Measurements and Subsequent Process Simulation for Hot-Melt Extrusion Kayser, Kevin

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11 Betamethasone Dipropionate Nanocrystals: Investigation, Feasibility and In Vitro Evaluation Patel, Viral

23 6 artikel
12 Clove Oil Endorsed Transdermal Flux of Dronedarone Hydrochloride Loaded Bilosomal Nanogel: Factorial Design, In vitro Evaluation and Ex vivo Permeation Teaima, Mahmoud H.

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13 Construction and Biological Evaluation of Multiple Modification Hollow Mesoporous Silicone Doxorubicin Nanodrug Delivery System Hu, Mengru

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14 Construction and Evaluation of Traceable rhES-QDs-M-MS Protein Delivery System: Sustained-Release Properties, Targeted Effect, and Antitumor Activity Wu, Xiaowen

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15 Convective Solvent Transport Pathways for Absorption of Drugs from Topical Formulation Maurya, Abhijeet

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16 Convolution- and Deconvolution-Based Approaches for Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Diltiazem Extended-Release Products in Flow-Through Cell Dissolution Tester Taha, Nesrin F.

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17 Correction: Mucus-Penetrating Alginate-Chitosan Nanoparticles Loaded with Berberine Hydrochloride for Oral Delivery to the Inflammation Site of Ulcerative Colitis Sun, Lingfeng

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18 Correction to: The Study of Ginger-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as a Natural Nanoscale Drug Carrier and Their Intestinal Absorption in Rats Man, Fulong

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19 β-Cyclodextrin-Grafted Chitosan Enhances Intestinal Drug Absorption and Its Preliminary Mechanism Exploration Zou, Linghui

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20 Design of a Personalized Nasal Device (Matrix-Piston Nasal Device, MPD) for Drug Delivery: a 3D-Printing Application Menegatou, Ioanna-Maria

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21 Determination of Alteration in Micromeritic Properties of a Solid Dispersion: Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Based Adsorption and Other Structured Approaches Singh, Lovepreet

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22 Development and Characterization of Celecoxib Solid Self-nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (S-SNEDDS) Prepared Using Novel Cellulose-Based Microparticles as Adsorptive Carriers Schmied, Fabian-Pascal

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23 Development of a Microgram Scale Video-Microscopic Method to Investigate Dissolution Behavior of Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs Senniksen, Malte Bøgh

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24 Development of a Novel Bilosomal System for Improved Oral Bioavailability of Sertraline Hydrochloride: Formulation Design, In Vitro Characterization, and Ex Vivo and In Vivo Studies Ismail, Aliaa

23 6 artikel
25 Dissolution of a Biopharmaceutics Classification System Class II Free Acid from Immediate Release Tablets Containing a Microenvironmental pH Modulator: Comparison of a Biorelevant Bicarbonate Buffering System with Phosphate Buffers Haznar-Garbacz, Dorota

23 6 artikel
26 Effect of Lipid Vehicles on Solubility, Stability, and Topical Permeation of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Shankar, Vijay Kumar

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27 Effects of Autoclaving and Freeze-Drying on Physicochemical Properties of Plectranthus esculentus Starch Derivatives Guktur, Ruth E.

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28 Engineered Nanoscale Lipid-Based Formulation as Potential Enhancer of Gefitinib Lymphatic Delivery: Cytotoxicity and Apoptotic Studies Against the A549 Cell Line Sherif, Abdelrahman Y.

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29 Environmental Monitoring for Closed Robotic Workcells Used in Aseptic Processing: Data to Support Advanced Environmental Monitoring Strategies McCall, Joseph

23 6 artikel
30 Evaluation of Alternative Metallic Stearates as Lubricants in Pharmaceutical Tablet Formulation Yu, Dongyue

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31 Evaluation of an Anhydrous Permeation-Enhancing Vehicle for Percutaneous Absorption of Hormones Song, Guiyun

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32 Evaluation of Emulsifying Ability of Phospholipids by Langmuir Monolayers and Stability of High Oil Ratio O/W Emulsions Li, Shanghui

23 6 artikel
33 Evaluation of Manufacturer-to-Manufacturer Variability of Croscarmellose Sodium: Influence on the Dissolution of Sitagliptin Tablets (Water-Soluble Drug) and Escitalopram Tablets (Sparingly Soluble Drug) Yavari, Arash

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34 Fabrication and Characterization of Buccal Film Loaded Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery System containing Lysiphyllum strychnifolium Stem Extracts Pichayakorn, Wiwat

23 6 artikel
35 Factors Limiting the Translatability of Rodent Model–Based Intranasal Vaccine Research to Humans Cai, Lucy

23 6 artikel
36 Formulation and Evaluation of Eudragit® RL Polymeric Double Layer Films for Prolonged-Release Transdermal Delivery of Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Assaf, Shereen M.

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37 Formulation and Physicochemical and Biological Characterization of Etoposide-Loaded Submicron Emulsions with Biosurfactant of Sophorolipids Ma, Xiaojing

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38 Hesperetin-Based Hydrogels Protect the Skin against UV Radiation-Induced Damage de Araújo Andrade, Tatianny

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39 Hydroxypropyl Beta Cyclodextrin as a Potential Surface Modifier for Paclitaxel Nanocrystals Haddad, Razan

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40 Implementation of Dynamic and Static Moisture Control in Fluidized Bed Granulation Zhong, Liang

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41 Improvement in Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetic Characteristics of Efavirenz with Booster Dose of Ritonavir in PEGylated PAMAM G4 Dendrimers Kharwade, Rohini

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42 Luliconazole Nail Lacquer for the Treatment of Onychomycosis: Formulation, Characterization and In Vitro and Ex Vivo Evaluation Dehari, Deepa

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43 Micro-fluidic Spray Freeze Dried Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride-Embedded Dry Powder for Inhalation Chen, Yingjie

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44 Modeling of In Vitro Dissolution Profiles of Carvedilol Immediate-Release Tablets in Different Dissolution Media Usta, Duygu Yilmaz

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45 Mucus-Penetrating Alginate-Chitosan Nanoparticles Loaded with Berberine Hydrochloride for Oral Delivery to the Inflammation Site of Ulcerative Colitis Sun, Lingfeng

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46 Nanoencapsulation of Tea Catechins for Enhancing Skin Absorption and Therapeutic Efficacy Aljuffali, Ibrahim A.

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47 Nanoparticle Engineering of Aprepitant Using Nano-by-Design (NbD) Approach Kakade, Pratik

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48 Particle Design and Inhalation Delivery of Iodine for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Therapy Zhang, Kaikai

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49 Penetration Enhancement Strategies for Intradermal Delivery of Cromolyn Sodium Holman, Miranda

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50 Pickering Dry Emulsion System for Improved Oral Delivery of Fenofibrate Jadhav, Nitin V.

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51 Prediction and Construction of Drug-Polymer Binary System Thermodynamic Phase Diagram in Amorphous Solid Dispersions (ASDs) Hu, Zhiqing

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52 Preparation and Evaluation of a Microsponge Dermal Stratum Corneum Retention Drug Delivery System for Griseofulvin Ma, Lin

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53 Preparation and Evaluation of Siderol Amorphous Solid Dispersions: Selection of Suitable Matrix/Carrier Koromili, Maria

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54 Retraction Note: Ofloxacin‑Loaded Niosome‑Laden Contact Lens: Improved Properties of Biomaterial for Ocular Drug Delivery Liu, Jiayong

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55 Retraction Note: Oral Bioavailability Improvement of Tailored Rosuvastatin Loaded Niosomal Nanocarriers to Manage Ischemic Heart Disease: Optimization, Ex Vivo and In Vivo Studies Liu, Qiang

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56 Retraction Note: Risedronate-Loaded Macroporous Gel Foam Enriched With Nanohydroxyapatite: Preparation, Characterization, and Osteogenic Activity Evaluation Using Saos-2 Cells Morsi, Nadia M.

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57 Retraction Note to: Sustained Delivery of Timolol Using Nanostructured Lipid Carriers-Laden Soft Contact Lenses Tian, Chenfei

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58 Risk Assessment and QbD-Based Optimization of Sorafenib Tosylate Colon Targeted Bilayer Tablet: In Vitro Characterization, In Vivo Pharmacokinetic, and In Vivo Roentgenography Studies Kenjale, Prathmesh

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59 Sorbitan Monolaurate–Containing Liposomes Enhance Skin Cancer Cell Cytotoxicity and in Association with Microneedling Increase the Skin Penetration of 5-Fluorouracil Crisóstomo, Luiziana Cavalcante Costa Fernandes

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60 Using Tiny-TIM Dissolution and In Silico Simulation to Accelerate Oral Product Development of a BCS Class II Compound Luo, Laibin

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61 Visible Particle Identification Using Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Sheng, Han

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                             61 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland