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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Integration of Business Model Canvas on Prioritizing Strategy: Case Study of Small Scale Nontimber Forest Product (NTFP) Enterprises in Indonesia Makkarennu,

20 2 p. 161-174
2 Farmers’ Forest Values and Preferences for Strategies for Managing Smallholder Forest Plantations Established on State Reserve Lands, Ghana Damnyag, Lawrence

20 2 p. 263-278
3 Forest Carbon Storage and Species Richness in FSC Certified and Non-certified Community Forests in Nepal Charmakar, Shambhu

20 2 p. 199-219
4 Forest Management Cooperatives and Their Development Under Uncertain Conditions: A Comprehensive Analysis Using an Actor-Centered Institutionalism Approach Sonnhoff, Matthias

20 2 p. 305-323
5 How do Property Rights Affect Credit Restrictions? Evidence from China’s Forest Right Mortgages Xu, Jingwen

20 2 p. 235-262
6 Reconciling Livelihoods and Conservation for Rattan Sustainable Harvesting in Lore Lindu National Park, Indonesia Yulianto,

20 2 p. 175-197
7 Small-Scale Forest Cooperative Management of the Grain for Green Program in Xinjiang, China: A SWOT-ANP Analysis Zhang, Zhaohui

20 2 p. 221-233
8 Stakeholder Perceptions of White Oak Supply in Kentucky: A SWOT-AHP Analysis Thomas, William R.

20 2 p. 279-304
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland