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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Changing Climate in the Maple Syrup Industry: Variation in Canadian and U.S.A. Producers’ Climate Risk Perceptions and Willingness to Adapt Across Scales of Production Caughron, Anna

20 1 p. 73-95
2 A Low-Investment Option for the Integrated Semi-mechanized Harvesting of Small-Scale, Short-Rotation Poplar Plantations Spinelli, Raffaele

20 1 p. 59-72
3 Forest Owners’ Willingness to Implement Measures to Safeguard Biodiversity: Values, Attitudes, Ecological Worldview and Forest Ownership Objectives Koskela, Terhi

20 1 p. 11-37
4 How Do African American and White Family Forest Landowners Conceptualize Forest Legacy in Georgia, United States? Goyke, Noah

20 1 p. 39-57
5 Noise Exposures and Hearing Protector Use at Small Logging Operations McLain, Shawn C.

20 1 p. 1-9
6 Parcelized Cut-and-Carry Agroforestry Systems for Confined Livestock Seruni, A. P.

20 1 p. 119-143
7 Stocking Density and DBH Distribution of Community Forests in Nepal Pandey, Hari Prasad

20 1 p. 145-159
8 The Influence of Old and New Machines on Productivity and Costs of Four Yarding Methods in Small-Scale Forestry in a Maine Forest Bustos-Letelier, Oscar

20 1 p. 97-117
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland