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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Asymmetric Tidal Dynamics in the Macro-tidal Hangzhou Bay, China Li, Li

47 6 p. 1418-1434
2 Centennial Changes of Salt Marsh Area in Coastal Georgia (USA) Related to Large-Scale Sediment Dynamics by River, Waves, and Tides Mariotti, G.

47 6 p. 1498-1516
3 Demographics of a Previously Undocumented Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) Population Catizone, Daniel J.

47 6 p. 1684-1693
4 Developing a Genetic Algorithm for Selecting Infrastructure Modifications that Optimize Hydrodynamic Flushing in Old Tampa Bay Meyers, Steven D.

47 6 p. 1402-1417
5 Effects of Experimental Addition of Algae and Shell Hash on an Infaunal Mudflat Community McGarrigle, Samantha A.

47 6 p. 1617-1636
6 Estimating Biogeochemical Rates Using a Computationally Efficient Lagrangian Approach Gross, Edward

47 6 p. 1435-1455
7 Evaluating Coastal Wetland Restoration Using Drones and High-Resolution Imagery Harris, J. Mason

47 6 p. 1359-1375
8 Foundation Species Shift Causes a Partial Loss of Functional Support for Benthic Coastal Consumers Goeke, Janelle A.

47 6 p. 1637-1649
9 Frequent Flowering but Low Reproductive Success of the Dioecious Seagrass Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle in Li’an lagoon, China Yu, Shuo

47 6 p. 1694-1701
10 Habitat Provision Differs Across Subtidal Reefs Varying in Location Within the Estuarine Landscape Outhwaite, Alyssa

47 6 p. 1345-1358
11 Hot and Fresh: Evidence of Climate-Related Suboptimal Water Conditions for Seagrass in a Large Gulf Coast Estuary Beck, Marcus W.

47 6 p. 1475-1497
12 Mangrove Cover and Extent of Protection Influence Lateral Erosion Control at Hybrid Mangrove Living Shorelines Chan, Sophie C. Y.

47 6 p. 1517-1530
13 Physical and Biological Controls on Short-Term Variations in Dissolved Oxygen in Shallow Waters of a Large Temperate Estuary Testa, Jeremy M.

47 6 p. 1456-1474
14 Quantifying Environmental and Spatial Patterns of Fish on Log Snags to Optimise Resnagging in Coastal Seascapes Gaines, Lucy A. Goodridge

47 6 p. 1668-1683
15 Relative Contribution of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Controls on the Regulation of the Sponge Hymeniacidon perlevis (Montagu, 1814) in Patagonia: An Experimental and Observational Approach Marello Buch, Macarena

47 6 p. 1650-1667
16 Relative Importance of Macroalgae and Phytoplankton to Nearshore Consumers and Growth Across Climatic Conditions in the Northern Gulf of Alaska Corliss, Katherine

47 6 p. 1579-1597
17 Structure and Function of Restored and Natural Salt Marshes: Implications for Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptive Potential Crosby, Sarah C.

47 6 p. 1561-1578
18 Temperature Response of South Florida Estuaries to the 2023 Heatwave Shi, Jing

47 6 p. 1388-1401
19 The Effect of Sediment Mud Content on Primary Production in Seagrass and Unvegetated Intertidal Flats Flowers, Georgina J. L.

47 6 p. 1544-1560
20 The Utility of Ribbed Mussels Guekensia demissa for Marsh Grass Restoration on Living Shoreline Projects in the Southeast US: Potential and Pitfalls Carroll, John M.

47 6 p. 1333-1344
21 Timescales of Benthic Macrofaunal Response to Diel and Episodic Low Oxygen in a Subtropical Estuary Paul, Jenny S.

47 6 p. 1376-1387
22 Variable Effects of Experimental Sea-level Rise Conditions and Invasive Species on California Cordgrass Gonzalez, Julie A.

47 6 p. 1531-1543
23 What has Changed in 20 Years? Structure and Function of Soft-sediment Macrofauna in a Subarctic Embayment, Newfoundland (Canada) Komendić, Ivana

47 6 p. 1598-1616
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland