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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of Nekton Communities in a Regulated River-Fed Estuary: Assessing Temporal Changes Relative to River Flow Rates in the Apalachicola Bay System, Florida Peterson, Cheston T.

46 7 p. 1844-1864
2 A Novel Methodological Approach to Quantify Geomorphic Change and Prioritize Risk to Coastal Archeological Sites Under Conditions of a Changing Climate, Everglades National Park, FL, USA Parkinson, Randall W.

46 7 p. 1677-1689
3 Assessment of Changes of Complex Shoreline from Medium-Resolution Satellite Imagery Nezlin, Nikolay P.

46 7 p. 1723-1739
4 Broad-Scale Environmental Factors Determining Fish Species Composition of River Estuaries in the Japanese Archipelago Itsukushima, Rei

46 7 p. 1829-1843
5 Coastal Response to the Landfall of a Hurricane on a Series of Inlets and Narrow Back-Barrier Waterways Manchia, Chiara M.

46 7 p. 1690-1708
6 Correction to: Changing Biogeochemistry and Invertebrate Community Composition at Newly Deployed Artificial Reefs in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico Babcock, Kendra K.

46 7 p. 1938-1947
7 Female Diamond Rays Gymnura natalensis and Bull Rays Aetomylaeus bovinus Display Seasonal Philopatry to South African Estuaries Elston, Chantel

46 7 p. 1880-1894
8 Fishery Closures, More Than Predator Release, Increased Persistence of Nearshore Fishes and Invertebrates to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Oken, Kiva L.

46 7 p. 1907-1922
9 Five Years Measuring the Muck: Evaluating Interannual Variability of Nutrient Loads From Tidal Flooding Macías-Tapia, Alfonso

46 7 p. 1756-1776
10 Gross Primary Production, Ecosystem Respiration, and Net Ecosystem Production in a Southeastern South American Salt Marsh Bautista, Nahuel E.

46 7 p. 1923-1937
11 Impact of Drought and Wildfires in Recent Trends of Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins in Cockles from Northwest Portugal and Its Similarities with Sardine Stock Trends in the Period 2001–2022 Vale, Paulo

46 7 p. 1792-1807
12 Impacts of Inherited Morphology and Offshore Suspended-Sediment Load in an Amazon Estuary Silva, Ariane M. M.

46 7 p. 1709-1722
13 Importance of Terrestrial Subsidies for Microalgal Assemblages in Insular Ecosystems of Southern Chile Fuentes, Norka

46 7 p. 1777-1791
14 Juvenile Brown Shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) Use of Salt Marsh Intertidal Creeks as Nursery Habitat Glover, Kaitlin M.

46 7 p. 1895-1906
15 Soil Salinity and Water Level Interact to Generate Tipping Points in Low Salinity Tidal Wetlands Responding to Climate Change Wang, Hongqing

46 7 p. 1808-1828
16 The Dynamics of Seagrass Ecosystems: History, Past Accomplishments, and Future Prospects Orth, Robert J.

46 7 p. 1653-1676
17 The Role of Submarine Groundwater Discharge to the Input of Macronutrients Within a Macrotidal Subpolar Estuary Haag, Josianne

46 7 p. 1740-1755
18 Water Quality and Toxic Cyanobacteria in Oligohaline Estuary Beaches During the Longest Mississippi River Basin Flood Event in 2019 Bargu, Sibel

46 7 p. 1865-1879
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland