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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Benthic Microalgal Community Structure, Primary Productivity, and Fiddler Crab (Leptuca pugilator) Grazing in an Estuarine Salt Panne Pinckney, James L.

46 5 p. 1316-1325
2 Carbon Fluxes from River to Sea: Sources and Fate of Carbon in a Shallow, Coastal Lagoon Bukaveckas, Paul A.

46 5 p. 1223-1238
3 Changes in Vessel Traffic Disrupt Tidal Flats and Saltmarshes in the Tagus Estuary, Portugal Martins, Diana

46 5 p. 1141-1156
4 Ecophysiological Responses of the Intertidal Seaweed Fucus Distichus to Temperature Changes and Reduced Light Driven by Tides and Glacial Input Umanzor, Schery

46 5 p. 1269-1279
5 Eelgrass Meadow Edge Habitat Heterogeneity Enhances Fish Diversity on the Pacific Coast of Canada Proudfoot, Beatrice

46 5 p. 1326-1344
6 Forecasting Sea Level Rise-driven Inundation in Diked and Tidally Restricted Coastal Lowlands Befus, K. M.

46 5 p. 1157-1169
7 Influence of Environmental Conditions on Mytilus trossulus Size Frequency Distributions in Two Glacially Influenced Estuaries LaBarre, Amy

46 5 p. 1253-1268
8 Macrofauna Community Dynamics and Food Webs in the Canopy-forming Macroalgae and the Associated Detrital Subsidies Kahma, T. I.

46 5 p. 1345-1362
9 Mapping Hypoxia Response to Estuarine Nitrogen Loading Using Molybdenum in Sediments Boothman, Warren S.

46 5 p. 1363-1374
10 Middle-Scale Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Estuaries: Rocky Intertidal Macrobenthic Communities in the Hangzhou Bay and Zhoushan Sea Liu, Hanren

46 5 p. 1302-1315
11 Modeling Water Residence Time and Connectivity in the Northern Indian River Lagoon Jiang, Mingshun

46 5 p. 1170-1189
12 Rapidly Changing Range Limits in a Warming World: Critical Data Limitations and Knowledge Gaps for Advancing Understanding of Mangrove Range Dynamics in the Southeastern USA Bardou, Rémi

46 5 p. 1123-1140
13 Seagrass Abundance Predicts Surficial Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Across the Range of Thalassia testudinum in the Western North Atlantic Fourqurean, James W.

46 5 p. 1280-1301
14 Sedimentary Biogeochemistry of the Salish Sea: Springtime Fluxes of Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrients, Inorganic Carbon, and Alkalinity Santana, Emma I.

46 5 p. 1208-1222
15 Submarine Groundwater Discharge-Derived Nutrient Fluxes in Eckernförde Bay (Western Baltic Sea) Kreuzburg, M.

46 5 p. 1190-1207
16 The Ability of Ruppia polycarpa to Regenerate from Seed Depends on Seasonal Porewater Salinity Dynamics and Declining Winter Rainfall Could Delay Recruitment Webster, Chanelle L.

46 5 p. 1239-1252
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland