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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Artificial Shelters that Promote Settlement and Improve Nutritional Condition of Japanese Eels in a Human-Modified Estuary Oto, Yumeki

46 2 p. 551-561
2 Assessing the Effectiveness of Large-Scale Environmental Restoration: Challenges and Opportunities Greening, Holly S.

46 2 p. 293-301
3 Assessment of Habitat Suitability for Common Cockles in the Ria the Aveiro Lagoon Under Average and Projected Environmental Conditions Matos, Fábio L.

46 2 p. 512-525
4 Carbon Stocks in Vegetation and Soil and Their Relationship with Plant Community Traits in a Mediterranean Non-tidal Salt Marsh Carrasco-Barea, Lorena

46 2 p. 376-387
5 Climate Change Impacts on the Seasonal Variation of Hydro-Physical Characteristics in the Persian Gulf Azarnivand, Amir Reza

46 2 p. 302-322
6 Community Patterns and Environmental Associations for the Early Life Stages of Fishes in a Highly Transformed Estuary Castillo, Gonzalo C.

46 2 p. 562-579
7 Comparison of Spectral Wave Dissipation by Two Living Shoreline Features in a Sheltered Tidal Bay Leone, Alexa

46 2 p. 323-335
8 Freshwater Flow Affects Subsidies of a Copepod (Pseudodiaptomus forbesi) to Low-Salinity Food Webs in the Upper San Francisco Estuary Hassrick, Jason L.

46 2 p. 450-462
9 Insights from Observations and Manipulative Experiments into Competition Between Mangroves and Salt Marsh Vegetation Hockaday, Alyssa C.

46 2 p. 417-430
10 Insights into Salt Marsh Plant Community Distributions Through Computer Vision and Structural Equation Modeling Simon, Jacob

46 2 p. 431-449
11 Large-Scale Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Importance of Sediment–Water Oxygen and Nutrient Fluxes in the Chesapeake Bay Region Boynton, W. R.

46 2 p. 356-375
12 Quantifying the Effects of Floating Oyster Aquaculture on Nitrogen Cycling in a Temperate Coastal Embayment Labrie, Micheline S.

46 2 p. 494-511
13 Role of Vertically Migrating and Not-Migrating Large Crustacean Zooplankton as Potential Consumers of Spring Phytoplankton in an Inshore Patagonian Gulf Castro, Leonardo R.

46 2 p. 463-476
14 Seasonal Changes of Microphytoplankton Community in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 2019 Du, Xiuning

46 2 p. 388-403
15 Short-term Salinity Stress During Early Development Impacts the Growth and Survival of Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) Ackerly, Kerri Lynn

46 2 p. 541-550
16 Spatial Variation in Nursery Habitat Use by Juvenile Blue Crabs in a Shallow, Wind-Driven Estuary Voigt, Erin P.

46 2 p. 526-540
17 Status and Trajectories of Soft-Bottom Benthic Communities of the South Florida Seascape Revealed by 25 Years of Seagrass and Water Quality Monitoring Krause, Johannes R.

46 2 p. 477-493
18 The Bed Stress Minimum in Tidal Rivers Hudson, Austin

46 2 p. 336-355
19 The Role of Invasive Phragmites australis in Wave Attenuation in the Eastern United States Coleman, Daniel J.

46 2 p. 404-416
20 Trophodynamics of Nekton Assemblages and Relationships with Estuarine Habitat Structure Across a Subtropical Estuary Whaley, Shannon D.

46 2 p. 580-593
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland