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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessing the Resiliency of Salt Marshes Under Increasing Nitrogen Loading Crosby, Sarah C.

44 6 p. 1658-1670
2 Climate Change Implications for Tidal Marshes and Food Web Linkages to Estuarine and Coastal Nekton Colombano, Denise D.

44 6 p. 1637-1648
3 Complex Tidal Marsh Dynamics Structure Fish Foraging Patterns in the San Francisco Estuary Colombano, Denise D.

44 6 p. 1604-1618
4 Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology Revisited Taylor, Matthew D.

44 6 p. 1493-1496
5 Connectivity of Large-Bodied Fish with a Recovering Estuarine Tidal Marsh, Revealed Using an Imaging Sonar Bennett, Mark A.

44 6 p. 1579-1587
6 Ecosystem Services: Delivering Decision-Making for Salt Marshes zu Ermgassen, Philine S. E.

44 6 p. 1691-1698
7 Estimating and Applying Fish and Invertebrate Density and Production Enhancement from Seagrass, Salt Marsh Edge, and Oyster Reef Nursery Habitats in the Gulf of Mexico zu Ermgassen, Philine S. E.

44 6 p. 1588-1603
8 Estuarine Nekton Assemblages along a Marsh-Mangrove Ecotone Kimball, Matthew E.

44 6 p. 1508-1520
9 Flatfish Habitat Use of a Small Southeastern US Tidal Creek: Long- and Short-term Occupancy Patterns Curran, Mary Carla

44 6 p. 1547-1556
10 Foundation Species Shift Alters the Energetic Landscape of Marsh Nekton Harris, J. Mason

44 6 p. 1671-1680
11 From Cedar Cemeteries to Marsh Lakes: a Case Study of Sea-Level Rise and Habitat Change in a Northeastern US Salt Marsh Able, Kenneth W.

44 6 p. 1649-1657
12 Geographic Variation in Salt Marsh Structure and Function for Nekton: a Guide to Finding Commonality Across Multiple Scales Ziegler, Shelby L.

44 6 p. 1497-1507
13 Human Actions Alter Tidal Marsh Seascapes and the Provision of Ecosystem Services Gilby, Ben L.

44 6 p. 1628-1636
14 Novel Applications of Technology for Advancing Tidal Marsh Ecology Kimball, Matthew E.

44 6 p. 1568-1578
15 Perspectives on Maximizing Coastal Wetland Restoration Outcomes in Anthropogenically Altered Ecosystems Armitage, Anna R.

44 6 p. 1699-1709
16 Pond Dynamics Yield Minimal Net Loss of Vegetation Cover Across an Unditched Salt Marsh Landscape Smith, Joseph A. M.

44 6 p. 1534-1546
17 Protecting People and Property While Restoring Coastal Wetland Habitats Weinstein, Michael P.

44 6 p. 1710-1721
18 Seascape Configuration Influences the Community Structure of Marsh Nekton James, W. Ryan

44 6 p. 1521-1533
19 Stable Isotopes Suggest Limited Role of Wetland Macrophyte Production Supporting Aquatic Food Webs Across a Mangrove-Salt Marsh Ecotone Baker, Ronald

44 6 p. 1619-1627
20 The Mouths of Estuaries Are Key Transition Zones that Concentrate the Ecological Effects of Predators Jones, Tyson R.

44 6 p. 1557-1567
21 Tidal Marsh Restoration Optimism in a Changing Climate and Urbanizing Seascape Waltham, Nathan J.

44 6 p. 1681-1690
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland