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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abiotic Cycles Mediate the Strength of Cross-Boundary Consumption Within Coastal Food Webs Ziegler, Shelby L.

44 4 p. 1147-1156
2 A New Approach to Functionally Assess Estuarine Fish Communities in Response to Hydrologic Change Gonzalez, Lisa A.

44 4 p. 1118-1131
3 Assessing the Relative Importance of Estuarine Nursery Habitats—a Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) Case Study Lewis, Nathaniel S.

44 4 p. 1062-1073
4 Assessing the Temporal Variability and Drivers of Transparent Exopolymer Particle Concentrations and Production Rates in a Subtropical Estuary Harvey, Elizabeth L.

44 4 p. 1010-1019
5 Associations Between Winter Temperatures and the Timing and Duration of Annual Larval Recruitment of a Non-native Anomuran Crab Popp, Teresa

44 4 p. 1074-1082
6 Changes in Benthic Microalgae Biomass and Brown Tiger Prawn Penaeus esculentus Body Condition Following a Large Cyclone-Driven Flood in Moreton Bay O’Mara, Kaitlyn

44 4 p. 1050-1061
7 Contribution of Estuarine and Coastal Habitats Within Nursery to the Diets of Juvenile Fish in Spring and Autumn Day, Louise

44 4 p. 1100-1117
8 Correction to: The Case for a Critical Zone Science Approach to Research on Estuarine and Coastal Wetlands in the Anthropocene Liu, Min

44 4 p. 1193
9 Environmental Drivers of Forage Fishes and Benthic Invertebrates at Multiple Spatial Scales in a Large Temperate Estuary Woodland, Ryan J.

44 4 p. 921-938
10 Experimental Quantification of Piscivore Density and Habitat Effects on Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in a Tidal Freshwater Estuary Zeug, Steven C.

44 4 p. 1157-1172
11 How Plants Influence Resilience of Salt Marsh and Mangrove Wetlands to Sea-Level Rise Cahoon, Donald R.

44 4 p. 883-898
12 Influences of Islands and Shoals on Coastal Water Properties, Flushing Time, and Dispersion Within Western Long Island Sound Deignan-Schmidt, Steven R.

44 4 p. 991-1009
13 Inter-estuarine Variation in Otolith Chemistry in a Large Coastal Predator: a Viable Tool for Identifying Coastal Nurseries? Russell, Angela L.

44 4 p. 1132-1146
14 Loss of Coastal Islands Along Florida’s Big Bend Region: Implications for Breeding American Oystercatchers Vitale, Nick

44 4 p. 1173-1182
15 Nonlinear Interaction Between the Tide and the Storm Surge with the Current due to the River Flow in the Río de la Plata Dinápoli, Matías G.

44 4 p. 939-959
16 Parasite Assemblages in a Bivalve Host Associated with Changes in Hydrodynamics Correia, Simão

44 4 p. 1036-1049
17 Production of the Copepod Pseudodiaptomus forbesi Is Not Enhanced by Ingestion of the Diatom Aulacoseira granulata During a Bloom Jungbluth, Michelle

44 4 p. 1083-1099
18 Salinity and Simulated Herbivory Influence Spartina alterniflora Traits and Defense Strategy Wittyngham, Serina Sebilian

44 4 p. 1183-1192
19 Seasick: Why Value Ecosystems Severely Threatened by Sea-Level Rise? Braun de Torrez, Elizabeth C.

44 4 p. 899-910
20 Suspended-sediment Flux in the San Francisco Estuary; Part II: the Impact of the 2013–2016 California Drought and Controls on Sediment Flux Livsey, D. N.

44 4 p. 972-990
21 The Case for a Critical Zone Science Approach to Research on Estuarine and Coastal Wetlands in the Anthropocene Liu, Min

44 4 p. 911-920
22 The Potential of Mangrove-Derived Organic Matter in Sediments for Tracing Mangrove Development During the Holocene Xia, Peng

44 4 p. 1020-1035
23 Timescales and Magnitude of Water Quality Change in Three Texas Estuaries Induced by Passage of Hurricane Harvey Walker, Lily M.

44 4 p. 960-971
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland