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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Hurricane Rapid Ecological Assessment (H-REA) Method for Small Island Developing States in 2017 and Beyond Sealey, Kathleen Sullivan

43 5 p. 1284-1297
2 Assessment of Hurricane Irma Impacts on South Florida Seagrass Communities Using Long-Term Monitoring Programs Wilson, Sara S.

43 5 p. 1119-1132
3 A System Level Analysis of Coastal Ecosystem Responses to Hurricane Impacts Patrick, C. J.

43 5 p. 943-959
4 Comparing the Biogeochemistry of Storm Surge Sediments and Pre-storm Soils in Coastal Wetlands: Hurricane Irma and the Florida Everglades Breithaupt, Joshua L.

43 5 p. 1090-1103
5 Correction to: Impact of Hurricane Harvey on Galveston Bay Saltmarsh Nekton Communities Oakley, Jenny W.

43 5 p. 993-996
6 Effects of Hurricane Harvey on the Trophic Status of Juvenile Sport Fishes (Cynoscion nebulosus, Sciaenops ocellatus) in an Estuarine Nursery Matich, Philip

43 5 p. 997-1012
7 Going Downriver: Patterns and Cues in Hurricane-Driven Movements of Common Snook in a Subtropical Coastal River Massie, Jordan A.

43 5 p. 1158-1173
8 Hurricane Harvey Storm Sedimentation in the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge, Texas: Fluvial Versus Storm Surge Deposition Yao, Qiang

43 5 p. 971-983
9 Hurricane Impacts and the Resilience of the Invasive Sea Vine, Halophila stipulacea: a Case Study from Puerto Rico Hernández-Delgado, E. A.

43 5 p. 1263-1283
10 Hurricane Irma’s Impact on Water Quality and Phytoplankton Communities in Biscayne Bay (Florida, USA) Wachnicka, Anna

43 5 p. 1217-1234
11 Hurricane-Mediated Shifts in a Subtropical Seagrass Associated Fish and Macroinvertebrate Community Zink, Ian C.

43 5 p. 1174-1193
12 Hurricanes, Storm Surge, and Pine Forest Decline on a Low Limestone Island Ross, Michael S.

43 5 p. 1045-1057
13 Impact of Hurricane Harvey on Galveston Bay Saltmarsh Nekton Communities Oakley, Jenny W.

43 5 p. 984-992
14 Impacts of Hurricane Irma on Florida Bay Islands, Everglades National Park, USA Wingard, G. Lynn

43 5 p. 1070-1089
15 Impacts of Hurricane Irma on the Circulation and Transport in Florida Bay and the Charlotte Harbor Estuary Liu, Yonggang

43 5 p. 1194-1216
16 Impacts of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on Coral Reef Sponge Communities in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands Gochfeld, Deborah J.

43 5 p. 1235-1247
17 Localized Impacts of Hurricane Irma on Diadema antillarum and Coral Reef Community Structure Kobelt, Julia N.

43 5 p. 1133-1143
18 Major 2017 Hurricanes and their Cumulative Impacts on Coastal Waters of the USA and the Caribbean Wachnicka, Anna

43 5 p. 941-942
19 Mangrove Damage, Delayed Mortality, and Early Recovery Following Hurricane Irma at Two Landfall Sites in Southwest Florida, USA Radabaugh, Kara R.

43 5 p. 1104-1118
20 Mangrove Disturbance and Response Following the 2017 Hurricane Season in Puerto Rico Branoff, Benjamin L.

43 5 p. 1248-1262
21 Movements of Juvenile Bull Sharks in Response to a Major Hurricane Within a Tropical Estuarine Nursery Area Strickland, Bradley A.

43 5 p. 1144-1157
22 Resistance to Hurricane Effects Varies Among Wetland Vegetation Types in the Marsh–Mangrove Ecotone Armitage, Anna R.

43 5 p. 960-970
23 Satellite Image-Based Time Series Observations of Vegetation Response to Hurricane Irma in the Lower Florida Keys Svejkovsky, Jan

43 5 p. 1058-1069
24 Short-term Effects of Hurricane Harvey on Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Upper Galveston Bay, TX Fazioli, Kristi

43 5 p. 1013-1031
25 The Effect of Hurricane Irma Storm Surge on the Freshwater Lens in Big Pine Key, Florida using Electrical Resistivity Tomography Kiflai, Michael Eyob

43 5 p. 1032-1044
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland