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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Water Quality Binning Method to Infer Phytoplankton Community Structure and Function Buchanan, Claire

43 4 p. 661-679
2 Beryllium-7 Elucidate Sediment Dynamics of the Branford River Estuary, Connecticut, USA Benoit, Gaboury

43 4 p. 831-842
3 Changing Biogeochemistry and Invertebrate Community Composition at Newly Deployed Artificial Reefs in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico Babcock, Kendra K.

43 4 p. 680-692
4 Decadal-Scale Changes in Subtidal Nekton Assemblages in a Warm-Temperate Estuary Kimball, Matthew E.

43 4 p. 927-939
5 Edge Effects Are Not Linked to Key Ecological Processes in a Fragmented Biogenic Reef Bertolini, Camilla

43 4 p. 708-721
6 Effects of Saltwater Pulses on Soil Microbial Enzymes and Organic Matter Breakdown in Freshwater and Brackish Coastal Wetlands Servais, Shelby

43 4 p. 814-830
7 Elemental Concentrations of Water and Otoliths as Salinity Proxies in a Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary Nelson, T. Reid

43 4 p. 843-864
8 Field Observations of Wind Waves in Upper Delaware Bay with Living Shorelines Zhu, Ling

43 4 p. 739-755
9 Freshwater Inflow Variability Affects the Relative Importance of Allochthonous Sources for Estuarine Fishes Possamai, Bianca

43 4 p. 880-893
10 Frontogenesis at Estuarine Junctions Corlett, W. Bryce

43 4 p. 722-738
11 Marsh Plants Enhance Coastal Marsh Resilience by Changing Sediment Oxygen and Sulfide Concentrations in an Urban, Eutrophic Estuary Alldred, Mary

43 4 p. 801-813
12 Modeling Floodplain Inundation, Circulation, and Residence Time Under Changing Tide and Sea Levels Sullivan, Jessica C.

43 4 p. 693-707
13 No Evidence for Long-term Impacts of Oil Spill Contamination on Salt Marsh Soil Nitrogen Cycling Processes Schutte, Charles A.

43 4 p. 865-879
14 Physical and Biogeochemical Factors Driving Spatially Heterogeneous Phytoplankton Blooms in Nearshore Waters of Santa Monica Bay, USA Stauffer, Beth A.

43 4 p. 909-926
15 Role of River Runoff and Sea Ice Brine Rejection in Controlling Stratification Throughout Winter in Southeast Hudson Bay Eastwood, Rosemary Ann

43 4 p. 756-786
16 Spatio-Temporal Changes in Basal Food Source Assimilation by Fish Assemblages in a Large Tropical Bay in the SW Atlantic Ocean Santos, Edjane Pereira

43 4 p. 894-908
17 The Importance of Offshore Exchange for Water Temperatures in Norwalk Harbor Menniti, Christina M.

43 4 p. 787-800
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland