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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anti-Drug Antibody Incidence Comparison of Therapeutic Proteins Administered Via Subcutaneous vs. Intravenous Route Felderman, Jacob

26 3 artikel
2 Application of Advanced Modeling Approaches Supporting Generic Product Development Under GDUFA for Fiscal Year 2023 Tsakalozou, Eleftheria

26 3 artikel
3 Bile Acid–Targeted Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticles for Enhanced Oral Absorption of Deferoxamine Agboluaje, Elizabeth Oladoyin

26 3 artikel
4 Characterization and Applications of Permeabilized Hepatocytes in Drug Discovery Zhang, Sam

26 3 artikel
5 Correction: Group-by-Treatment Interaction Effects in Comparative Bioavailability Studies Schütz, Helmut

26 3 artikel
6 Cross-Reactive Polyclonal Antibodies Raised Against GalNAc-Conjugated siRNA Recognize Mostly the GalNAc Moiety Ballman, Kimberly K.

26 3 artikel
7 Development and Validation of a Cell-Based Binding Neutralizing Antibody Assay for an Antibody–Drug Conjugate Xu, Weifeng

26 3 artikel
8 Effect of Food Composition on the PK of Isoniazid Quantitatively Explained Using Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling Pepin, Xavier J. H.

26 3 artikel
9 Ginsenoside Rg1 Alleviates Sepsis-Induced Acute Lung Injury by Reducing FBXO3 Stability in an m6A-Dependent Manner to Activate PGC-1α/Nrf2 Signaling Pathway Liu, Rong

26 3 artikel
10 Group-by-Treatment Interaction Effects in Comparative Bioavailability Studies Schütz, Helmut

26 3 artikel
11 Impact of Obesity on Hepatic Drug Clearance: What are the Influential Variables? Zhang, Tan

26 3 artikel
12 Impact on Quality during In-Use Preparation of an Antibody Drug Conjugate with Eight Different Closed System Transfer Device Brands Sorret, Léa

26 3 artikel
13 Implementation of a Three-Way Comparability Assessment for a Bioanalytical Anti-Drug Antibody Method Kwok, Rosanna S.

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14 LC–MS Characterization and Stability Assessment Elucidate Correlation Between Charge Variant Composition and Degradation of Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics Malani, Himanshu

26 3 artikel
15 Leveraging Modeling and Simulation to Enhance the Efficiency of Bioequivalence Approaches for Generic Drugs: Highlights from the 2023 Generic Drug Science and Research Initiatives Public Workshop Pal, Arindom

26 3 artikel
16 Mechanistic Modeling of In Vitro Biopharmaceutic Data for a Weak Acid Drug: A Pathway Towards Deriving Fundamental Parameters for Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutic Modeling Kowthavarapu, Venkata Krishna

26 3 artikel
17 Novel Multiplexed High Throughput Screening of Selective Inhibitors for Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes Using Human Hepatocytes Liu, Jianhua

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18 Oral Drug Product Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes: In Vitro Testing Wilson, Selina

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19 Pharmacokinetic Models for Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate and Salmeterol Xinafoate to Quantify Batch-to-Batch Variability Li, Shuhui

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20 PmWebSpec: An Application to Create and Manage CDISC-Compliant Pharmacometric Analysis Dataset Specifications Chen, Lu

26 3 artikel
21 Predicting the Stability of Lyophilized Human Serum Albumin Formulations Containing Sucrose and Trehalose Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy: Effect of Storage Temperature on 1H T1 Relaxation Times Lay-Fortenbery, Ashley

26 3 artikel
22 Prediction of Individual Disease Progression Including Parameter Uncertainty in Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases: The Example of Autosomal-Recessive Spastic Ataxia Charlevoix Saguenay (ARSACS) Hendrickx, Niels

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23 Preliminary Investigation of a Rapid and Feasible Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Method for the Real-Time Estimation of Blood Pazopanib Concentrations Kato, Masaru

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24 Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Salem, Aliasger K.

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25 State of the Art of Silica Nanoparticles: An Overview on Biodistribution and Preclinical Toxicity Studies Yu, Joshua

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26 Third Generation Solid Dispersion-Based Formulation of Novel Anti-Tubercular Agent Exhibited Improvement in Solubility, Dissolution and Biological Activity Paudwal, Gourav

26 3 artikel
27 Uncertainty Computation at Finite Distance in Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models—a New Method Based on Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Guhl, Mélanie

26 3 artikel
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland