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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Air quality index prediction via multi-task machine learning technique: spatial analysis for human capital and intensive air quality monitoring stations Xiang, Xin

16 1 p. 85-97
2 Assessment of personal deposited dose of bioaerosols and particles in a wastewater treatment plant facility Chalvatzaki, Eleftheria

16 1 p. 165-181
3 Characteristics, diffusion, and exposure risk of bioaerosol pollution during haze period on a campus of central China Wang, Yanjie

16 1 p. 99-111
4 Chemical characterization, source apportionment, and human health risk assessment of PM2.5 in an urban area in Hanoi, Vietnam Bui, Thi Hieu

16 1 p. 149-163
5 Comparison of two turbulence parameterisations for the simulation of the concentration variance dispersion Ferrero, Enrico

16 1 p. 49-60
6 Emission estimates and air quality simulation on Lombardy during lockdown Marongiu, Alessandro

16 1 p. 61-75
7 High-resolution impacts of green areas on air quality in Madrid San Jose, Roberto

16 1 p. 37-48
8 Links between the concentrations of gaseous pollutants measured in different regions of Estonia Luts, Aare

16 1 p. 25-36
9 Organic profiles of particulate matter emissions from a Euro VI diesel city bus Alves, Célia

16 1 p. 183-192
10 Performance assessment of air quality monitoring networks. A specific case study and methodological approach Galán-Madruga, D.

16 1 p. 113-126
11 Quantifying the impact of a smart farming system application on local-scale air quality of smallhold farms in Greece Fragkou, Evangelia

16 1 p. 1-14
12 Study of regional air pollutant dispersion scenarios and atmospheric capacity changes based on spatial structure analysis of source intensity—the case of Hohhot, China Li, Tianxin

16 1 p. 127-147
13 The concentration of potentially toxic elements (zinc, iron, manganese) bound PM2.5 in the indoor air of urban schools: a global systematic review and meta-analysis Fakhri, Yadolah

16 1 p. 77-84
14 The role of murine models in the study of the respiratory tract immune response induced by particulate matter Gomez, Diana M.

16 1 p. 15-23
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland