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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Air pollution and its health impacts in Malaysia: a review Usmani, Raja Sher Afgun

13 9 p. 1093-1118
2 Application of Wheeler–Jonas equation and relative breakthrough time (RBT) in activated carbon beds of respirator gas filters Abiko, Hironobu

13 9 p. 1057-1063
3 Exposure to air pollutants among cyclists: a comparison of different cycling routes in Perth, Western Australia Shrestha, Anu

13 9 p. 1023-1034
4 Gauging the air quality of New York: a non-linear Nexus between COVID-19 and nitrogen dioxide emission Sarfraz, Muddassar

13 9 p. 1135-1145
5 Independent influences of extreme atmospheric pressure on hypertension-related ER visits Ma, Pan

13 9 p. 1065-1074
6 Network analysis: a novel approach to identify PM2.5 hotspots and their spatio-temporal impact on air quality in Santiago de Chile Clements, Adam

13 9 p. 1075-1082
7 Numerical study of thermal influence to pollutant dispersion in the idealized urban street road Issakhov, Alibek

13 9 p. 1045-1056
8 Predictive analysis of CO2 emissions and the role of environmental technology, energy use and economic output: evidence from emerging economies Ahmed, Sidrah

13 9 p. 1035-1044
9 Study of environmental dynamic through optimized potential variables: renewable energy Khan, Y. A.

13 9 p. 1127-1134
10 The impacts of COVID-19 measures on global environment and fertility rate: double coincidence Anser, Muhammad Khalid

13 9 p. 1083-1092
11 The nexus of environmental degradation and technology innovation and adoption: an experience from dragon Xinmin, Wang

13 9 p. 1119-1126
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland