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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An intelligent algorithm to recommend percent vegetation cover (ARVC) for PM2.5 reduction Rahmani, Amir Masoud

13 7 p. 859-870
2 Black carbon and size-segregated elemental carbon, organic carbon compositions in a megacity: a case study for Istanbul Kuzu, S. Levent

13 7 p. 827-837
3 Comparing health benefit calculations for alternative energy futures Brown, Kristen E.

13 7 p. 773-787
4 Contamination characteristics of heavy metals in particle size fractions from street dust from an industrial city, Central China Zhong, Ping

13 7 p. 871-883
5 COVID-19: air pollution remains low as people stay at home Gautam, Sneha

13 7 p. 853-857
6 Difference on oxidative stress in lung epithelial cells and macrophages induced by ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) Li, Ran

13 7 p. 789-796
7 Evaluation and scientometric analysis of researches on air pollution in developing countries from 1952 to 2018 Hamidi, Ali

13 7 p. 797-806
8 Hybrid neural network models for forecasting ozone and particulate matter concentrations in the Republic of China Braik, Malik

13 7 p. 839-851
9 Impact of aerosols on deep convective clouds using integrated remote sensing techniques Desouza, Nirmala D.

13 7 p. 815-825
10 Particle number size distributions generated by different Korean pork cooking methods Won, Soo Ran

13 7 p. 807-813
11 Toxicological assessment of chlorine concentration in atmospheric particulate matter in Benin City, Nigeria Ediagbonya, T. F.

13 7 p. 885-891
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland