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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of an indoor air decontamination device inside an aerobiology chamber: a numerical-experimental study Moradi Kashkooli, Farshad

13 3 p. 281-288
2 Association between PM2.5 exposure and heart rate variability for the patients with cardiac problems in Japan Paoin, Kanawat

13 3 p. 339-347
3 Association between traffic emissions mixed with resuspended dust and heart rate variability among healthy adults in Delhi Baig, Nisar Ali

13 3 p. 371-378
4 Chemical and sulfur isotopic characteristics of precipitation in a representative urban site, South China: implication for anthropogenic influences Zheng, Fangwen

13 3 p. 349-359
5 Comparison of biomass burning tracer concentrations between two winter seasons in Krynica Zdrój Janoszka, Katarzyna

13 3 p. 379-385
6 Effectiveness of an air quality intervention: an accountability study in a highly polluted industrial town Mangia, Cristina

13 3 p. 289-296
7 Exposure to respirable particles and TVOC in underground parking garages under different types of ventilation and their associated health effects Oh, Hyeon-Ju

13 3 p. 297-308
8 Google Earth Engine–assisted black carbon radiative forcing calculation over a heavy industrial city in China Chen, Wei

13 3 p. 329-338
9 Impact of regional versus local resolution air quality modeling on particulate matter exposure health impact assessment Parvez, Fatema

13 3 p. 271-279
10 Investigating wintertime air pollution in Hangzhou, China Feng, Rui

13 3 p. 321-328
11 Mitigating the impacts of air pollutants in Nepal and climate co-benefits: a scenario-based approach Nakarmi, Amrit M.

13 3 p. 361-370
12 Vehicle atmospheric pollution evaluation using AERMOD model at avenue in a Brazilian capital city Macêdo, Maíra Feitosa Menezes

13 3 p. 309-320
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland