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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Active botanical biofiltration of air pollutants using Australian native plants Paull, Naomi J.

12 12 p. 1427-1439
2 Analyzing the air quality of Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang using grey Verhulst model Wu, Lifeng

12 12 p. 1419-1426
3 Characteristics and cytotoxicity of indoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Hong Kong Tong, Xinning

12 12 p. 1459-1468
4 Characterization of aerosol size distributions and chemical compositions under strong wind and stagnant conditions during haze episodes in Lin’an, China Shuangshuang, Shi

12 12 p. 1469-1481
5 Environmental factors and asthma hospitalization in Montreal, Canada, during spring 2006–2008: a synergy perspective Robichaud, Alain

12 12 p. 1495-1509
6 Exposures and effects from fragranced consumer products in Germany Steinemann, Anne

12 12 p. 1399-1404
7 Markov chain modeling for air pollution index based on maximum a posteriori method Alyousifi, Yousif

12 12 p. 1521-1531
8 Measuring the spatial variability of black carbon in Athens during wintertime Grivas, Georgios

12 12 p. 1405-1417
9 Monthly variation in masses, metals and endotoxin content as well as pro-inflammatory response of airborne particles collected by TEOM monitors Ljunggren, Stefan A.

12 12 p. 1441-1448
10 Predictive modeling of PM2.5 using soft computing techniques: case study—Faridabad, Haryana, India Sihag, Parveen

12 12 p. 1511-1520
11 Stack emissions and health risk integrated (SEHRI) model: a tool for stack emissions and health risk modeling Walvekar, Pralhad P.

12 12 p. 1483-1493
12 The trace of airborne particulate matter from smoking e-cigarette, tobacco heating system, conventional and hand-rolled cigarettes in a residential environment Loupa, Glykeria

12 12 p. 1449-1457
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland