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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new endemic species of Sesuvium (Aizoaceae: Sesuvioideae) from the Caribbean Basin, with further notes on the genus composition in the West Indies Sukhorukov, Alexander P.

76 4 p. 651-674
2 A new replacement name for Eriobotrya integrifolia Aver. (Rosaceae) Kottaimuthu, Ramalingam

76 4 p. 859
3 Antonio A. de Porlier y Sopranis, 1st Marquis of Bajamar (1722 – 1813) and the genus Porlieria (Zygophyllaceae) — honouring his botany advocacy, and its nomenclature Zanotti, C. A.

76 4 p. 613-623
4 A revision of the genus Ruagea (Meliaceae: Melioideae) Pennington, Terence D.

76 4 p. 565-604
5 A revision of Ziziphus (Rhamnaceae) in Borneo Cahen, Daniel

76 4 p. 767-804
6 A Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) miscellany Wood, John R. I.

76 4 p. 827-840
7 Astronium woodii (Anacardiaceae), a new species from Bolivia Villarroel, Daniel

76 4 p. 605-611
8 Challenges of applying monophyly in the phylogenetic shallows: taxonomic reappraisal of the Dactylorhiza maculata group Bateman, Richard M.

76 4 p. 675-704
9 Clusia falcata (Clusiaceae), an endangered species with exceptionally narrow leaves endemic to Chiapas, Mexico Luján, Manuel

76 4 p. 645-650
10 Correction to: Notes on the typification of four Himalayan aconites Agnihotri, Priyanka

76 4 p. 861
11 Correction to: Reinstatement and lectotypification of Uraria pulchra (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) Gogoi, Jahnabi

76 4 p. 849
12 Ctenium bennae (Poaceae; Chloridoideae), a new rheophytic species from Guinea-Conakry Xanthos, Martin

76 4 p. 745-750
13 Effective lectotypification of three names in the genus Iseilema (Poaceae: Panicoideae) Chorghe, Alok R.

76 4 p. 857-858
14 Four new threatened species of Rinorea (Violaceae), treelets from the forests of Cameroon Achoundong, Gaston

76 4 p. 705-719
15 Gymnema wiyadae (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae), a new species from eastern Thailand Kidyoo, Aroonrat

76 4 p. 819-825
16 Identity and taxonomic status of Canscora diffusa var. tetraptera (Gentianaceae) R., Arun Prasanth

76 4 p. 851-855
17 Kupeantha yabassi (Coffeeae-Rubiaceae), a new Critically Endangered shrub species of the Ebo Forest area, Littoral Region, Cameroon Alvarez-Aguirre, Maria G.

76 4 p. 735-743
18 Myriostoma herrerae sp. nov. (Geastrales: Basidiomycota) and a new record of M. calongei from Mexico Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura

76 4 p. 633-644
19 Neea campanulata (Nyctaginaceae: Pisonieae), a new species from humid forests, Pará State, Brazil da Silva Costa, Daniel

76 4 p. 625-631
20 Reinstatement and lectotypification of Uraria pulchra (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) Gogoi, Jahnabi

76 4 p. 841-847
21 Taxonomy and morphology of Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) in New Guinea Borosova, Renata

76 4 p. 805-817
22 The endemic plant species of Mt Kupe, Cameroon with a new Critically Endangered cloud-forest tree species, Vepris zapfackii (Rutaceae) Cheek, Martin

76 4 p. 721-734
23 The genus Tristachya (Poaceae: Panicoideae) in Madagascar Vorontsova, Maria S.

76 4 p. 751-760
24 Thilachium madagascariense (Capparaceae), a new species from eastern Madagascar with a key to the species of the genus Fici, Silvio

76 4 p. 761-766
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland