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                             7 results found
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1 Cenchrus pseudotriticoides (Poaceae: Panicoideae), a resilient pyrophyte grass from Central Madagascar Vorontsova, Maria S.

76 1 p. 71-75
2 Elatostema chinense, a new name for Elatostema longipedunculatum (W.T.Wang) Y.H.Tseng & A.K.Monro (Urticaceae) Deshmukh, Umakant B.

76 1 p. 61-62
3 Forgotten publications by Alfred William Bennett and their effect on the nomenclature of some Asian Simaroubaceae species Turner, I. M.

76 1 p. 57-59
4 New species and nomenclatural changes in Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) from Madagascar Hermans, Johan

76 1 p. 1-38
5 New species in Orchidaceae from Madagascar Hermans, Johan

76 1 p. 39-56
6 Sonerila kanjilasseriensis (Melastomataceae), a new tuberous species from Kerala, India Arunraj, P. T.

76 1 p. 77-84
7 Two new species from the mountains of southern Malawi and northern Mozambique Darbyshire, Iain

76 1 p. 63-70
                             7 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands