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                             8 gevonden resultaten
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1 Comment on the Paper Numerical Simulation for Magneto Nanofluid Flow Through a Porous Space with Melting Heat Transfer, T. Hayat, Faisal Shah, A. Alsaedi, M. Waqas, Microgravity Science and Technology (2018) 30:265–275 Pantokratoras, Asterios

35 6 artikel
2 Expansion and Experimental Evaluation of Scaling Relations for the Prediction of Wheel Performance in Reduced Gravity Daca, Adriana

35 6 artikel
3 Experimental Investigation of Critical Heat Flux of Nucleate Pool Boiling of Water and Nanofluid on Platinum Wire Under Hypergravity and Earth Gravity Chen, Yafeng

35 6 artikel
4 Gravity Unloading Method of Membrane Phased-array Antennas Using Electrostatic Adsorption Zhong, Wang

35 6 artikel
5 Preparation and Performance Characterization of Copper and Diamond Filled Composite Thermal Conductivity Materials Wang, Shuai

35 6 artikel
6 Research on the Driving Simulation Method of a Manned Lunar Rover System for Somatosensory Representation Yu, Qihang

35 6 artikel
7 Study on the Influence of the Microgravity on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gas–Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Evaporator Ma, Rui

35 6 artikel
8 Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Surface Tension and Viscosity of Liquid Quaternary Alloys: The Ti-Al-Cr-Nb System Novakovic, Rada

35 6 artikel
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland