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                             30 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Effect of Geometry Configuration on the Merged Droplet Formation in a Double T-Junction Han, Wenbo

31 6 p. 855-864
2 Effect of Geometry Configuration on the Merged Droplet Formation in a Double T-Junction Han, Wenbo

31 6 p. 855-864
3 Electrohydrodynamic Effects on Single Bubble Growth and Departure under Microgravity Conditions: a Numerical Investigation Rajan, Vishwa Krishna

31 6 p. 805-819
4 Electrohydrodynamic Effects on Single Bubble Growth and Departure under Microgravity Conditions: a Numerical Investigation Rajan, Vishwa Krishna

31 6 p. 805-819
5 Fabrication of Sodium/Inconel 718 Heat Pipes for Combustor Cooling Chu, Min

31 6 p. 783-791
6 Fabrication of Sodium/Inconel 718 Heat Pipes for Combustor Cooling Chu, Min

31 6 p. 783-791
7 Gravity-Independent Oscillate Boiling Nguyen, Dang Minh

31 6 p. 767-773
8 Gravity-Independent Oscillate Boiling Nguyen, Dang Minh

31 6 p. 767-773
9 Hydrodynamics of Intermediate-Scale Taylor Flow under Gravities of Space Colonies Darzi, Milad

31 6 p. 865-876
10 Hydrodynamics of Intermediate-Scale Taylor Flow under Gravities of Space Colonies Darzi, Milad

31 6 p. 865-876
11 Instabilities of Steady Flow in a Rotating Spherical Cavity Excited by Inner Core Oscillation Kozlov, Victor

31 6 p. 775-782
12 Instabilities of Steady Flow in a Rotating Spherical Cavity Excited by Inner Core Oscillation Kozlov, Victor

31 6 p. 775-782
13 Measurements of Interfacial Tension Coefficient Using Excitation of Progressive Capillary Waves by Radiation Pressure of Ultrasound in Microgravity Krutyansky, Leonid

31 6 p. 723-732
14 Measurements of Interfacial Tension Coefficient Using Excitation of Progressive Capillary Waves by Radiation Pressure of Ultrasound in Microgravity Krutyansky, Leonid

31 6 p. 723-732
15 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Single Water Nanodroplet Impinging Vertically on Curved Copper Substrate Yin, Zongjun

31 6 p. 749-757
16 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Single Water Nanodroplet Impinging Vertically on Curved Copper Substrate Yin, Zongjun

31 6 p. 749-757
17 Numerical Study on Bilateral Koch Fractal Baffles Micromixer Tian, Yue

31 6 p. 833-843
18 Numerical Study on Bilateral Koch Fractal Baffles Micromixer Tian, Yue

31 6 p. 833-843
19 Numerical Study on Melting Phase Change under Microgravity Chen, Xi

31 6 p. 793-803
20 Numerical Study on Melting Phase Change under Microgravity Chen, Xi

31 6 p. 793-803
21 Numerical Study on the Stabilization of a Self-Sustaining Steady-State Premixed Cool Flame Zhang, Yang

31 6 p. 845-854
22 Numerical Study on the Stabilization of a Self-Sustaining Steady-State Premixed Cool Flame Zhang, Yang

31 6 p. 845-854
23 Steady Flows Excited by Local Oscillations of Flexible Boundary of a Container with Fluid Kozlov, Nikolai

31 6 p. 821-831
24 Steady Flows Excited by Local Oscillations of Flexible Boundary of a Container with Fluid Kozlov, Nikolai

31 6 p. 821-831
25 Thermodiffusion Coefficients of Nanofluid Binary Mixtures Errarte, A.

31 6 p. 877-882
26 Thermodiffusion Coefficients of Nanofluid Binary Mixtures Errarte, A.

31 6 p. 877-882
27 Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation on Thermocapillary Convection of Moderate Prandtl Number Fluid in an Annular Shallow Pool with Surface Heat Dissipation Zhang, Li

31 6 p. 733-747
28 Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation on Thermocapillary Convection of Moderate Prandtl Number Fluid in an Annular Shallow Pool with Surface Heat Dissipation Zhang, Li

31 6 p. 733-747
29 Vibroconvective stability of liquid in horizontal plane layer subject to circular translational vibrations Kozlov, Victor

31 6 p. 759-765
30 Vibroconvective stability of liquid in horizontal plane layer subject to circular translational vibrations Kozlov, Victor

31 6 p. 759-765
                             30 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland