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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Note on Liquid Velocities Arising during Decompression Degassing in Hypergravity Oikonomidou, Ourania

31 5 p. 505-515
2 A Robust Data Evaluation Method for the DCMIX Microgravity Experiments Sommermann, D.

31 5 p. 465-474
3 AtmoFlow - Investigation of Atmospheric-Like Fluid Flows Under Microgravity Conditions Zaussinger, F.

31 5 p. 569-587
4 Characteristics of the Child-Droplets Emerged by Micro-Explosion of the Heterogeneous Droplets Exposed to Conductive, Convective and Radiative Heating Antonov, D. V.

31 5 p. 541-555
5 Collision Behavior of Heterogeneous Liquid Droplets Shlegel, N. E.

31 5 p. 487-503
6 Complementary Techniques for the Accelerometric Environment Characterization of Thermodiffusion Experiments on the ISS Dubert, D.

31 5 p. 673-683
7 Condensation on Composite V-Shaped Surface with Different Gravity in Nanoscale Xu, Bo

31 5 p. 603-613
8 Convection of Strong Stratified Colloidal Suspension Cherepanov, I. N.

31 5 p. 517-525
9 Drying of Foam under Microgravity Conditions Koursari, Nektaria

31 5 p. 589-601
10 Effect of the Initial Conditions on the Growth of Thermoelectric Instabilities During Parabolic Flights Meyer, Antoine

31 5 p. 715-721
11 Experimental Investigation of Adiabatic Gas-Liquid Flow Regimes and Pressure Drop in Slit Microchannel Ronshin, F. V.

31 5 p. 693-707
12 Influence of Composition Dependent Diffusion Coefficient, Viscosity and Relaxation Time on Evaporative Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni Instabilities Induced by Solvent Evaporation in a Polymer Solution Rabani, Ramin

31 5 p. 615-628
13 Microgravity Investigation of Seepage Flows in Porous Media Smirnov, N. N.

31 5 p. 629-639
14 Microgravity Research Conducted by Prof. J.C. Legros during Parabolic Flights: Notes on a Historical Perspective Pletser, Vladimir

31 5 p. 445-463
15 Modeling of Moving Liquid-Vapor Interfaces in the Constrained Vapor Bubble System Barrett, James A.

31 5 p. 685-692
16 Multistability in Multilayer Systems Nepomnyashchy, Alexander

31 5 p. 557-568
17 Near-Critical Behavior of Fick Diffusion Coefficient in Taylor Dispersion Experiments Gaponenko, Y.

31 5 p. 475-486
18 Phase Separation of Liquid from Gaseous Hydrogen in Microgravity Experimental Results Pingel, André

31 5 p. 649-671
19 Stability of Stationary Plane-Parallel Flow of Binary Fluid with the Soret Effect in Vertical Layer with Differentially Heated Boundaries Lyubimova, T. P.

31 5 p. 709-714
20 Surface Heat Dissipation Dependence of Thermocapillary Convection of Moderate Prandtl Number Fluid in an Annular Pool Zhang, Li

31 5 p. 527-539
21 Thermocapillary Convection Instability in Annular Two-Layer System under Various Gravity Levels Zhou, Xiaoming

31 5 p. 641-648
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland