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                             65 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accumulation of solid particles in convective flows Lyubimov, D. V.

16 1-4 p. 210-214
2 Acoustic wave network and multivariate analysis for biosensing in space Jayarajah, Christine N.

16 1-4 p. 348-352
3 Adsorption properties of C10E8 at water/ hexane interface investigated onboard STS-107, by the FAST facility Liggieri, Libero

16 1-4 p. 201-204
4 A macroscopic solids-stabilized emulsion droplet model in reduced gravity Chiang, Raymond

16 1-4 p. 158-163
5 A model of interfacial waves in annular two-phase flow at different gravity levels Wang, Zhaolin

16 1-4 p. 259-263
6 Analysis of amplitude- and phase-frequency characteristics of oscillating bubble system with closed measuring cell Krägel, Jürgen

16 1-4 p. 186-190
7 A novel methodology to study shape and surface tension of drops in Electric Fields Bateni, A.

16 1-4 p. 153-157
8 ARGES: Radial segregation and helical instabilities in metal halide lamps studied under microgravity conditions in the International Space Station Kroesen, Gerrit

16 1-4 p. 191-195
9 ARTEX — In situ observation of directional solidification of binary aluminium alloys on TEXUS Steinbach, S.

16 1-4 p. 111-115
10 Bubble — bubbles — boiling Straub, Johannes

16 1-4 p. 242-248
11 Columnar-EquiaxedTransition inSolidification processing: The ESA-MAP CETSOL project Billia, Bernard

16 1-4 p. 20-25
12 Contact angle hysteresis on smooth and homogenous surfaces in gravitational fields Rahimi, P.

16 1-4 p. 231-235
13 Convection and heat transfer experiments in supercritical fluid under microgravity: From MIR to ISS Emelianov, V. M.

16 1-4 p. 164-169
14 Determination of butanol distribution on salol-butanol crystals using Micro Raman Spectroscopy Shimaoka, Taro

16 1-4 p. 104-106
15 Diffusion experiments in liquid Sn-Bi and Al-Ni systems with a stable density layering using the FOTON shear cell under 1g conditions Suzuki, Shinsuke

16 1-4 p. 120-126
16 Directional solidification of cellular arrays in transparent alloys Sturz, L.

16 1-4 p. 116-119
17 Directional solidification of dendritic microstructures in microgravity and with forced melt flow Zimmermann, G.

16 1-4 p. 143-147
18 Dynamics of phase transition in H2 under high frequency vibrations Beysens, Daniel

16 1-4 p. 274-279
19 Effect of ambient fluid flow upon onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in half-zone liquid bridge Irikura, Motoki

16 1-4 p. 176-180
20 Effect of G-jitter on the thermocapillary convection experiment in ISS Kanashima, Yuta

16 1-4 p. 285-289
21 Effect of gravity on InGaSb crystal growth Murakami, Noriaki

16 1-4 p. 79-83
22 Effect of magnetic field on metallurgical structure of magnetostrictive alloys solidified unidirectionally in microgravity Okutani, Takeshi

16 1-4 p. 84-88
23 Excellent compositional homogeneity in In0.3Ga0.7As crystals grown by the traveling liquiduszone (TLZ) method Kinoshita, Kyoichi

16 1-4 p. 71-73
24 Experimental investigation of Marangoni convection and vibration-induced crystal motion during protein crystal growth Gamache, Olivia

16 1-4 p. 342-347
25 Experimental study of radial segregation caused by weak convection Carlberg, Torbjörn

16 1-4 p. 35-39
26 Gasless combustion-driven heating elements for materials experiments in space Goroshin, S.

16 1-4 p. 322-327
27 Gelation of hybrid aerogels in parabolic flights and on the ISS Brück, Sabine

16 1-4 p. 31-34
28 Granular gas in weightlessness: The limit case of very low densities of non interacting spheres Evesque, P.

16 1-4 p. 280-284
29 Ground-based thermophysical property measurements of supercooled and liquid platinum-group metals by electrostatic levitation Paradis, P. -F.

16 1-4 p. 94-98
30 Hydrothermal wave in a shallow liquid layer Tang, Z. M.

16 1-4 p. 253-258
31 In situ characterization of interface-microstructure dynamics in 3D-Directional Solidification of model transparent alloys Trivedi, Rohit

16 1-4 p. 133-137
32 In-situ observation of solid-liquid interface during directional solidification of succinonitrile and pivalic acid Shpak, A. P.

16 1-4 p. 107-110
33 ISS experiments for the clarification of boiling and two-phase flow in microgravity and for the development of high-performance space cold plates Ohta, Haruhiko

16 1-4 p. 224-230
34 Macrosegregation in binary AlSi7 alloys resulting from the application of time dependent magnetic fields Hainke, Marc

16 1-4 p. 59-63
35 Measurement of thermophysical properties of liquid metallic alloys in a ground- and microgravity based research programme — theThermoLab project Aune, Ragnhild

16 1-4 p. 7-10
36 Measurements of advancing and receding contact angles of water onPMMA andCR-39 at various g-levels Mireault, Nicolas

16 1-4 p. 219-223
37 MICAST — The effect of magnetically controlled fluid flow on microstructure evolution in cast technical Al-alloys Ratke, L.

16 1-4 p. 99-103
38 Microgravity performance of micro pulsating heat pipes Gu, Junjie

16 1-4 p. 181-185
39 Microstructure and magnetic properties of rare earth Nd-Fe system alloys produced by containerless processing Ozawa, S.

16 1-4 p. 89-93
40 Modelling of transition mechanisms from steady to oscillatory Marangoni flows in a liquid bridge configuration Yoda, Shinichi

16 1-4 p. 269-273
41 Numerical and experimental investigation of solid particle motion in a fluid cell under microgravity Simic-Stefani, Sonja

16 1-4 p. 301-305
42 Numerical and experimental study on flame propagating mechanism of a fuel droplet array Wakashima, Yuichiro

16 1-4 p. 338-341
43 Optical diagnostics on sooting laminar diffusion flames in microgravity Reimann, Jörg

16 1-4 p. 333-337
44 Optical properties of silicon micro and nanocrystals Boisjoli, A.

16 1-4 p. 26-30
45 Ordering and behavior of fine particles in plasmas under gravity and microgravity conditions Hayashi, Yasuaki

16 1-4 p. 64-66
46 Phase selection in containerless solidification of FeSi2 during free fall in drop tube Yamamoto, K.

16 1-4 p. 138-142
47 PKE-Nefedov — Complex plasma research on the international space station Thomas, Hubertus M.

16 1-4 p. 317-321
48 Preparation of TbFe2 giant magnetostrictive alloy under microgravity conditions Kano, S.

16 1-4 p. 67-70
49 Results of the Facility for Adsorption and Surface Tension (FAST) experiments onboard STS-107, in the framework of the project FASES Liggieri, Libero

16 1-4 p. 196-200
50 Rheological studies with spherically shaped thin liquid films Makievski, Alexander V.

16 1-4 p. 215-218
51 Shear cell development for diffusion experiments in FOTON-Satellite missions and on the ground with consideration of shear-induced convection Suzuki, Shinsuke

16 1-4 p. 127-132
52 Shear-induced structure of concentrated suspensions of non-Brownian particles in a microgravity environment Strybulevych, Anatoliy L.

16 1-4 p. 249-252
53 Solutal configuration during coupled two-phase [α (Al) + θ-Al2Cu] planar univariant eutetic growth in Al-Cu-(Ag, Si) ternary eutetic alloys De Wilde, J.

16 1-4 p. 40-44
54 STS-107 OV-102 mission FAST experiment: Slow surface relaxation at the solution-air interface Loglio, G.

16 1-4 p. 205-209
55 Surface tension and viscosity of industrial alloys from parabolic flight experiments — Results of theThermoLab project Aune, Ragnhild

16 1-4 p. 11-14
56 Surface tension, phase separation and solidification of undercooled Cu-Co Egry, I.

16 1-4 p. 50-54
57 Tailoring of dendritic microstructure in solidification processing by crucible vibration/rotation Billia, B.

16 1-4 p. 15-19
58 The influence of film structure on the interfacial friction in annular two-phase flow under microgravity and normal gravity conditions Wang, Zhaolin

16 1-4 p. 264-268
59 Thermal management with self-rewetting fluids Abe, Yoshiyuki

16 1-4 p. 148-152
60 Transport of microparticles in weakly ionized gas-discharge plasmas under microgravity Petrov, O. F.

16 1-4 p. 311-316
61 Ultra-sensitive high-speed density measurement of the “piston effect” in a critical fluid Ohnishi, Mitsuru

16 1-4 p. 306-310
62 Unexpected microgravity effect during the self-organization of silicalite-1 nanoslabs Kirschhock, Christine E. A.

16 1-4 p. 74-78
63 Univariant Eutetic growth in ternary Al-Cu-Ag-alloys Drevermann, A.

16 1-4 p. 45-49
64 Vibrational effects on diffusion experiments Mathiak, G

16 1-4 p. 295-300
65 Vibration influence on morphological instability of a solidification front Lyubimov, Dmitry V.

16 1-4 p. 290-294
                             65 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland