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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A first report on competitive inhibition of laccase enzyme by lignin degradation intermediates Pamidipati, Sirisha

65 2 p. 431-437
2 Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in river water treatment wetland Tong, Tianli

65 2 p. 315-322
3 A new mixed inhibitor of adenosine deaminase produced by endophytic Cochliobolus sp. from medicinal plant seeds Zhang, Xin-guo

65 2 p. 293-302
4 Antifouling effect of water-soluble phosphate glass frit for filtration plants Shim, Kyudae

65 2 p. 363-370
5 A survey of microbial contamination in aviation fuel from aircraft fuel tanks Hu, Dong

65 2 p. 371-380
6 Characterization of survival and stress resistance in S. cerevisiae mutants affected in peroxisome inheritance and proliferation, Δinp1 and Δpex11 Scheckhuber, Christian Q.

65 2 p. 423-429
7 Combination of mass spectrometry and DNA sequencing for detection of antibiotic resistance in diagnostic laboratories Hrabak, Jaroslav

65 2 p. 233-243
8 Dihydroisocoumarins produced by Diaporthe cf. heveae LGMF1631 inhibiting citrus pathogens Savi, Daiani Cristina

65 2 p. 381-392
9 Evaluation of phage therapy in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus-induced mastitis in mice Geng, Huijun

65 2 p. 339-351
10 Gene cloning and characterization of Tk1281, a flap endonuclease 1 from Thermococcus kodakarensis Muzzamal, Hira

65 2 p. 407-415
11 Integrin αvβ6 mediates epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human bronchial epithelial cells induced by lipopolysaccharides of Pseudomonas aeruginosa via TGF-β1-Smad2/3 signaling pathway Liu, Weiming

65 2 p. 329-338
12 Managing urinary tract infections through phage therapy: a novel approach Malik, Shikha

65 2 p. 217-231
13 Natural trypanocidal product produced by endophytic fungi through co-culturing do Nascimento, Jainara Santos

65 2 p. 323-328
14 Optimization and validation of a real-time polymerase chain reaction protocol for the diagnosis of human brucellosis Zeybek, Hasan

65 2 p. 353-361
15 Pharmacologic potential of new nitro-compounds as antimicrobial agents against nosocomial pathogens: design, synthesis, and in vitro effectiveness Andrade, Jéssica Tauany

65 2 p. 393-405
16 Probiotics and prebiotics potential for the care of skin, female urogenital tract, and respiratory tract Bustamante, Mariela

65 2 p. 245-264
17 Probiotics and prebiotics potential for the care of skin, female urogenital tract, and respiratory tract Bustamante, Mariela

65 2 p. 245-264
18 Shigella flexneri: an emerging pathogen Nisa, Iqbal

65 2 p. 275-291
19 Study of in vitro interaction between Fusarium verticillioides and Streptomyces sp. using metabolomics Nguyen, Phuong-Anh

65 2 p. 303-314
20 The influence of non-tuberculous mycobacteria on the interaction of opportunistic microorganisms with erythrocytes Gogoleva, O. A.

65 2 p. 417-421
21 The role of Vibrio vulnificus virulence factors and regulators in its infection-induced sepsis Li, Gang

65 2 p. 265-274
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland