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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adjuvant effect ofBacillus firmus in intranasal immunization of guinea pigs with inactivated type B influenza virus Havlíčková, M.

51 2 p. 154-156
2 Amphiphilic amine-N-oxides with aliphatic alkyl chain act as efficient superoxide dismutase mimics, antioxidants and lipid peroxidation blockers in yeast Krasowska, A.

51 2 p. 99-107
3 Comparison of antagonistic ability against enteropathogens by G+ and G− anaerobic dominant components of human fecal microbiota Gomes, D. A.

51 2 p. 141-145
4 Detection of peptaibols and partial cloning of a putative peptaibol synthetase gene fromT. harzianum CECT 2413 Vizcaíno, J. A.

51 2 p. 114-120
5 Developments in herpes simplex virus vaccines: Old problems and new challenges Rajčáni, J.

51 2 p. 67-85
6 First experience with diagnosing astroviral infections in children hospitalized in Pilsen (Czechia) Pazdiora, P.

51 2 p. 129-132
7 G-serotypes of group a rotaviruses in Pilsen region (Czechia) Pazdiora, P.

51 2 artikel
8 Identification of oxalotrophic bacteria by neural network analysis of numerical phenetic data Sahin, N.

51 2 p. 87-91
9 Primary fluorescence (Autofluorescence) of fruiting bodies of the wood-rotting fungusFomes fomentarius Žižka, Z.

51 2 artikel
10 Primer R108 performs best in the RAPD strain typing of threeAspergillus species frequently isolated from patients Raclavský, V.

51 2 p. 136-140
11 Purification and properties of individual collagenases fromStreptomyces sp. strain 3B Petrova, D.

51 2 artikel
12 Survival of blue-green and green algae under stress conditions Gupta, S.

51 2 p. 121-128
13 Various stages in the life cycle of syrphid flies (Eristalis tenax; diptera: Syrphidae) as potential mechanical vectors of pathogens causing mycobacterial infections in pig herds Fischer, O. A.

51 2 p. 147-153
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland