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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Antimycobacterial activity of basic ethyl esters of alkoxy-substituted phenylcarbamic acids Waisser, K.

48 1 p. 45-50
2 Biodegradable plastics from renewable sources Flieger, M.

48 1 p. 27-44
3 Competition amongBradyrhizobium strains for nodulation of green gram (Vigna radiata): Use of dark-nodule strain Sindhu, S. S.

48 1 p. 83-89
4 Detection ofCoxiella burnetii by PCR in mice after administration of live M-44 vaccine Mossienko, E. V.

48 1 p. 103-104
5 Evaluation ofTolypothrix germplasm for phycobiliprotein content Prasanna, R.

48 1 p. 59-64
6 Evidence for chromosomal determination of fungicidal activity in strains ofLactobacillus brevis andLactobacillus fermentum isolated from fermented foods Osuntoki, A. A.

48 1 p. 56-58
7 Fatty acid composition of six freshwater wild cyanobacterial species Řezanka, T.

48 1 p. 71-75
8 Human tumor cells are selectively inhibited by colicins Chumchalová, J.

48 1 p. 111-115
9 Hybrid antibiotics Běhal, V.

48 1 p. 17-25
10 Long-term fertilization affects the abundance of saprotrophic microfungi degrading resistant forms of soil organic matter Gryndler, M.

48 1 p. 76-82
11 Molecular features of the cytolytic pore-forming bacterial protein toxins Alouf, J. E.

48 1 p. 5-16
12 Simple synthesis of novel diphenylsulfapyrimidine acetates from chalcones and their antimicrobial activity Wasfy, A. A. F.

48 1 p. 51-55
13 Standardized system for quantifying residual dirt on medical appliances cleansed in hospital washers-disinfectors: Dirt detection by different methods Sigler, K.

48 1 p. 95-102
14 The presence of insertion elementsIS861 andIS1548 in group B streptococci Dmitriev, A.

48 1 artikel
15 Ultrastructure of the cyanobacteriumNostoc muscorum and exploitation of the culture for hydrogen production Shah, V.

48 1 p. 65-70
16 Water quality of some wells in Taiz City (Yemen Republic) and its surroundings Metwali, R. M.

48 1 p. 90-94
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland