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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Calculation of Bessel Functions via the Summation of Series Karatsuba, E. A.

12 4 p. 372-387
2 Conservation Laws and Other Formulas for Families of Rays and Wavefronts and for the Eikonal Equation Megrabov, A. G.

12 4 p. 395-406
3 Improving the Stability of Triangular Decomposition of Ill-Conditioned Matrices Lutay, V. N.

12 4 p. 388-394
4 Numerical Method for Predicting Hemodynamic Effects in Vascular Prostheses Borisov, V. G.

12 4 p. 326-337
5 Numerical Solution of a Three-Dimensional Coefficient Inverse Problem for the Wave Equation with Integral Data in a Cylindrical Domain Bakushinsky, A. B.

12 4 p. 311-325
6 Simulation of Nonlinear Oscillations in a Micro-Generator of Clock Frequency Fadeev, S. I.

12 4 p. 407-417
7 Solving the Pure Neumann Problem by a Finite Element Method Ivanov, M. I.

12 4 p. 359-371
8 The Walrasian Equilibrium and Centralized Distributed Optimization in Terms of Modern Convex Optimization Methods by an Example of the Resource Allocation Problem Vorontsova, E. A.

12 4 p. 338-358
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland