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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Humans on Top, Humans among the Other Animals: Narratives of Anthropological Difference Jaroš, Filip

12 3 p. 381-403
2 Jesper Hoffmeyer 1942–2019 Emmeche, Claus

12 3 p. 365-372
3 Jesper Hoffmeyer 1942–2019 Emmeche, Claus

12 3 p. 365-372
4 Jesper Hoffmeyer: Biosemiotics Is a Discovery Kull, Kalevi

12 3 p. 373-379
5 Jesper Hoffmeyer’s Biosemiotic Legacy Tønnessen, Morten

12 3 p. 357-363
6 On Iconic-Discursive Representations: Do they Bring us Closer to a Humean Representational Mind? Lorenzo, Guillermo

12 3 p. 423-439
7 Some Challenges to the Evolutionary Status of Semiosis Rodríguez Higuera, Claudio Julio

12 3 p. 405-421
8 The ‘Mimic’ or ‘Mimetic’ Octopus? A Cognitive-Semiotic Study of Mimicry and Deception in Thaumoctopus Mimicus Ureña Gómez-Moreno, José Manuel

12 3 p. 441-467
9 Towards a Processual Approach in Protein Studies Lacková, Ľudmila

12 3 p. 469-480
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland