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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achievements in Improving Thermal Properties of Anaerobic Adhesives. Review Aronovich, D. A.

14 1 p. 52-68
2 Adhesion Properties of Adhesive Joints of Polymer Films Modified by Direct-Current Discharge Piskarev, M. S.

14 1 p. 1-3
3 A Method for Evaluating the Change of Matrix Characteristics in Bulk Polymer Composites Veshkin, E. A.

14 1 p. 80-85
4 Aminoformaldehyde Oligomers Modified with Salts of Polyfunctional Acids Ekimova, M. Yu.

14 1 p. 13-16
5 An Estimation of Adhesive Interaction of Polymer Coatings with Metals Using the van Oss–Chaudhury–Good Equation Starostina, I. A.

14 1 p. 8-12
6 Biodegradation of Synthetic Thermoplastic Polymers and Plastics Based on Them (Review) Sevast’yanov, D. V.

14 1 p. 119-128
7 Complexation in a Monomer–Monomer System upon Copolymerization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate with Acrylic Acid Lavrov, N. A.

14 1 p. 77-79
8 Decision-Making for Implementing Industrial Safety Principles in Large Power Engineering Systems Kolotilov, Yu. V.

14 1 p. 116-118
9 Evaluation of Properties of Weld-Bonded Joints Using Similarity Constants Konoplin, A. Yu.

14 1 p. 29-33
10 Evaluation of the Nonuniform Difference of Freely Formed Products with Unconventional Configuration Antonov, S. I.

14 1 p. 97-101
11 Modification of Cotton Cellulose with Sterically Hindered Phenolic Fragments Bukharov, S. V.

14 1 p. 73-76
12 Naturelike Materials and Structures in Mechanical Engineering Kosenko, E. A.

14 1 p. 69-72
13 Relaxation State of Wood and Production of Cellulose Composites for Energy Purposes: Wood Briquettes and Pellets Akim, E. L.

14 1 p. 102-105
14 Rheological Characteristics of Epoxy Oligomers with Laproxide and Laprolate Reactive Diluents Nagornaya, Ya. A.

14 1 p. 21-28
15 The Behavior of Linear Polyesters in Model Conditions of Bile Ducts Legon’kova, O. A.

14 1 p. 106-111
16 The Effect of Additional Heat Treatment at High Temperatures on Physicomechanical Properties of OFRPs Based on Epoxy Matrixes Korokhin, R. A.

14 1 p. 47-51
17 The Effect of Carbon Black on Characteristics of Nonhardening Sealants Based on Butyl Rubber Galimzyanova, R. Yu.

14 1 p. 42-46
18 The Effect of Low Concentrations of Carbon Nanotubes on Properties of Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) Ultrafine Fibers Staroverova, O. V.

14 1 p. 86-92
19 The Effect of the Concentration of Components and Dispersion of Particles of Filler of Epoxy–Sand Composite on Hardness and Its Relationship with Abrasive Wear Resistance Mikhal’chenkov, A. M.

14 1 p. 17-20
20 The Effect of the Dynamic Viscosity of an Epoxide Compound on the Properties of Foam Materials Obtained on Its Basis Alikin, M. B.

14 1 p. 4-7
21 The Effect of the Technology of Winding Electrical Insulating Cylinders on the Properties of a Composite Material Lysov, N. Yu.

14 1 p. 112-115
22 The Use of Multipurpose Modifiers in Adhesive Compositions Based on Chloroprene Rubber to Increase Thermal Stability Keibal, N. A.

14 1 p. 38-41
23 Using Sealants for Gluing Dissimilar Materials Petrova, A. P.

14 1 p. 34-37
24 Using Transparent Conducting Coatings for Warming Transparent Roofs Mel’nikov, A. A.

14 1 p. 93-96
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland