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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of the invasion of a city by Aedes aegypti via mathematical models and Bayesian statistics Bruzzone, Octavio Augusto

15 1 p. 65-80
2 Climate warming and dispersal strategies determine species persistence in a metacommunity Narang, Arzoo

15 1 p. 81-92
3 Coexistence patterns and diversity in a trait-based metacommunity on an environmental gradient Mohammed, Mozzamil

15 1 p. 51-63
4 Correction to: Every variance function, including Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling, can be produced by any location-scale family of distributions with positive mean and variance Cohen, Joel E.

15 1 p. 93-94
5 Evolutionary rescue can prevent rate-induced tipping Vanselow, Anna

15 1 p. 29-50
6 Examining the generality of the biphasic transition from niche-structured to immigration-structured communities Chisholm, Ryan A.

15 1 p. 1-16
7 Mathematical modeling shows that ball-rolling dung beetles can use dances to avoid competition Yin, Zhanyuan

15 1 p. 17-28
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland