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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Consequences of barriers and changing seasonality on population dynamics and harvest of migratory ungulates Van Moorter, Bram

13 4 p. 595-605
2 Critical speeding up as an early warning signal of stochastic regime shifts Titus, Mathew

13 4 p. 449-457
3 Differences among species in seed dispersal and conspecific neighbor effects can interact to influence coexistence Stump, Simon Maccracken

13 4 p. 551-581
4 Harvesting a remote renewable resource Upmann, Thorsten

13 4 p. 459-480
5 Local control of resource allocation is sufficient to model optimal dynamics in syntrophic systems Ledder, Glenn

13 4 p. 481-501
6 Optimal navigation and behavioural traits in oceanic migrations Pinti, Jérôme

13 4 p. 583-593
7 Parasitism within mutualist guilds explains the maintenance of diversity in multi-species mutualisms Martignoni, Maria M.

13 4 p. 615-627
8 Persistence and extinction dynamics driven by the rate of environmental change in a predator–prey metacommunity Arumugam, Ramesh

13 4 p. 629-643
9 Small-scale spatial structure affects predator-prey dynamics and coexistence Surendran, Anudeep

13 4 p. 537-550
10 Species-abundance distributions and Taylor’s power law of fluctuation scaling Cohen, Joel E.

13 4 p. 607-614
11 Species dynamics and interactions via metabolically informed consumer-resource models Muscarella, Mario E.

13 4 p. 503-518
12 Threshold harvesting as a conservation or exploitation strategy in population management Hilker, Frank M.

13 4 p. 519-536
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland