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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ecotourism development and the heterogeneity of tourists Lee, Joung Hun

13 3 p. 371-383
2 Impact of plant defense level variability on specialist and generalist herbivores Thiel, Tatjana

13 3 p. 409-424
3 Land use dynamics within the tallgrass prairie ecosystem: the case for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Berger, Heidi

13 3 p. 289-300
4 Mid-domain effect for food chain length in a colonization–extinction model Prillwitz, Kai von

13 3 p. 301-315
5 Non-king elimination, intransitive triad interactions, and species coexistence in ecological competition networks Muyinda, Nathan

13 3 p. 385-397
6 Patch centrality affects metapopulation dynamics in small freshwater ponds Holmes, Christopher J.

13 3 p. 435-448
7 Persistence and stability of interacting species in response to climate warming: the role of trophic structure Kaur, Taranjot

13 3 p. 333-348
8 Resource-harvester cycles caused by delayed knowledge of the harvested population state can be dampened by harvester forecasting Adamson, Matthew W.

13 3 p. 425-434
9 Small-scale spatial structure influences large-scale invasion rates Plank, Michael J.

13 3 p. 277-288
10 The effects of intraspecific and interspecific diversity on food web stability Noto, Akana E.

13 3 p. 399-407
11 The role of increased gonotrophic cycles in the establishment of Wolbachia in Anopheles populations Childs, Lauren M.

13 3 p. 349-369
12 Towards better representations of carbon allocation in vegetation: a conceptual framework and mathematical tool Ceballos-Núñez, Verónika

13 3 p. 317-332
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland