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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aedes aegypti and Wolbachia interaction: population persistence in an environment changing Ferreira, C. P.

13 2 p. 137-148
2 Cooperation and stability for complex systems in resource-limited environments Butler, Stacey

13 2 p. 239-250
3 How optimal foragers should respond to habitat changes: on the consequences of habitat conversion Calcagno, Vincent

13 2 p. 165-175
4 Improved foraging by switching between diffusion and advection: benefits from movement that depends on spatial context Fagan, William F.

13 2 p. 127-136
5 Moderate parasitoidism on pollinators contributes to population oscillations and increases species diversity in the fig-fig wasp community Wang, Lin

13 2 p. 251-260
6 Nutrient retention by predators undermines predator coexistence on one prey Klauschies, Toni

13 2 p. 183-208
7 Resource competition and species coexistence in a two-patch metaecosystem model Tsakalakis, Ioannis

13 2 p. 209-221
8 Resource spectrum engineering by specialist species can shift the specialist-generalist balance Mills, Catherine G.

13 2 p. 149-163
9 The necessity of tailored control of irrupting pest populations driven by pulsed resources Köhnke, Merlin C.

13 2 p. 261-275
10 Weak chaos, Allee points, and intermittency emerging from niche construction in population models Vandermeer, John

13 2 p. 177-182
11 Where and how do localized perturbations affect stream and coastal ocean populations with nonlinear growth dynamics? Storch, Laura S.

13 2 p. 223-238
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland