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                             9 results found
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1 African Urban Sexualities After Queer Visibilities Tucker, Andrew

34 2 p. 155-167
2 Charting Directions for—and Challenges at Being Able to Undertake—Future Research on African Urban Sexualities Tucker, Andrew

34 2 p. 245-252
3 City Streets and Disco Beats: Recentring the Urban in Queer and Trans Migration Studies Marnell, John

34 2 p. 201-211
4 Inxeba: Rethinking Dichotomies of Black Queer Visibilities Livermon, Xavier

34 2 p. 213-222
5 Moving Beyond the Gay Metropolises: Lessons Learned from Stellenbosch Visser, Gustav

34 2 p. 179-189
6 Nairobi Queer Visibilities/Invisibilities and Forms of Queer Ambivalence Ombagi, Eddie

34 2 p. 169-177
7 Navigating Urban Spaces as Queer Women in South Africa Khuzwayo, Zuziwe

34 2 p. 191-200
8 Queer Infrastructures: Objects of and Orientations towards Urban Research Practice Cirolia, Liza Rose

34 2 p. 235-244
9 The Hirschfeld Equation and the Queer Afro-Modern Gevisser, Mark

34 2 p. 223-233
                             9 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands