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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Characteristics of Slum Residents in Egypt and Their Critical Existing Problems Abdel-Rahman, Suzan

34 1 p. 99-132
2 Entrepreneurship and the Promises of Inclusive Urban Development in Ethiopia Kebede, Getahun Fenta

34 1 p. 1-30
3 In the Intersection of Climate Risk and Social Vulnerabilities: a Case of Poor Urbanites in Lusaka, Zambia Umar, Bridget Bwalya

34 1 p. 133-153
4 Official Risks and Everyday Disasters: the Interplay of Riskscapes in Two Unplanned Settlements in Monrovia Innis, Phillip Garjay

34 1 p. 53-77
5 Overcoming Obstacles to the Integration of Informal Actors in Accra’s Open-Air Marketplaces Sheburah Essien, Rosina

34 1 p. 79-97
6 Tenure Insecurity in Informal Land Delivery System of Lagos State, Nigeria: Causes and Manifestations Olapade, Daramola Thompson

34 1 p. 31-52
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland