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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Century of South African Housing Acts 1920–2020 Mabin, Alan

31 4 p. 453-472
2 Correction to: Exploring the Dynamics of Social Networks in Urban Informal Settlements: the Case of Mathare Valley, Kenya Morgner, Christian

31 4 p. 513-514
3 Exploring the Dynamics of Social Networks in Urban Informal Settlements: the Case of Mathare Valley, Kenya Morgner, Christian

31 4 p. 489-512
4 Informal and Unserviceable: the State, Informal Settlement Residents, and Sanitation Management in Western Tshwane City, South Africa Shoniwa, Tapiwa T.

31 4 p. 533-547
5 Informal Control and Safety Measures of Street Hawkers: Narratives from Costermongers Abdullah, Alhassan

31 4 p. 515-531
6 Living in an Emerging Settlement: the Story of Hopley Farm Settlement, Harare Zimbabwe Matamanda, Abraham R.

31 4 p. 473-487
7 The Darker Side of Muddling Through: an Analysis of Spatial Planning Policy Decision-Making and Policy Termination in Cape Town, South Africa Horn, Anele

31 4 p. 573-598
8 Urban Planning Implementation Challenges in Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia Admasu, Tesfaye Gebeyehu

31 4 p. 549-572
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland