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1 ‘Conceptual Topography’ and the City Yiftachel, Oren

31 3 p. 443-451
2 ‘If I Had My House, I’d Feel Free’: Housing and the (Re)Productions of Citizenship in Cape Town, South Africa Millstein, Marianne

31 3 p. 289-309
3 Insurgency and Juxtacity in the Age of Urban Divides Miraftab, Faranak

31 3 p. 433-441
4 Juxtacity: an Approach to Urban Difference, Divide, Authority, and Citizenship Hammar, Amanda

31 3 p. 273-288
5 Juxtapositions in Jakarta: How Flood Interventions Reinforce and Challenge Urban Divides van Voorst, Roanne

31 3 p. 373-388
6 Reconfiguring Manila: Displacement, Resettlement, and the Productivity of Urban Divides Jensen, Steffen

31 3 p. 389-407
7 Rooftop Autophagy Vertical Monadism in Maputo, Mozambique Nielsen, Morten

31 3 p. 311-330
8 State, Security, and People along Urban Frontiers: Juxtapositions of Identity and Authority in Quetta Qayyum, Faizaan

31 3 p. 409-431
9 The City and the Barracas: Urban Change, Spatial Differentiation and Citizenship in Maputo Roque, Sandra

31 3 p. 331-349
10 The City Is Burning! Street Economies and the Juxtacity of Kigali, Rwanda Shearer, Samuel

31 3 p. 351-371
                             10 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands