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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive Expectations and Subjective Well-being of Landfill Waste Pickers in South Africa’s Free State Province Blaauw, Phillip

31 1 p. 135-155
2 A Question of Capacity and Funding: The Role of Local Economic Development Agencies in South Africa’s Development Landscape Khambule, Isaac

31 1 p. 95-113
3 Contested Understandings of Reclaimer Integration—Insights from a Failed Johannesburg Pilot Project Sekhwela, Maite M.

31 1 p. 21-39
4 Informal Land Delivery and Tenure Security Institutions in Benin City, Nigeria Agheyisi, Justin E.

31 1 p. 1-20
5 Strengthening Township Economies in South Africa: the Case for Better Regulation and Policy Innovation Scheba, Andreas

31 1 p. 77-94
6 Success Factors for Urban Brownfield Developments in Johannesburg, South Africa Goosen, Johan

31 1 p. 41-59
7 The Diversity of Gateways: Accra, Cape Town and Mauritius as Hinges in Oil and Gas GPNs Scholvin, Sören

31 1 p. 61-76
8 ‘We are Each Other’s Keeper’: Migrant Associations and Integration in Urban Africa Takyiakwaa, Dorothy

31 1 p. 115-134
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland