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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Automated design of multi-stage forging sequences for die forging Hedicke-Claus, Yorck

17 5 p. 689-701
2 Automated geometry characterization of laser-structured battery electrodes Hille, Lucas

17 5 p. 773-783
3 Development of a simulative approach in order to estimate the impact of smart services on a production system Stamer, Florian

17 5 p. 743-752
4 Enhanced chip analysis with computed tomography for estimation of chip segmentation frequency Diaz Ocampo, Daniel

17 5 p. 733-741
5 Enhanced classification of hydraulic testing of directional control valves with synthetic data generation Neunzig, Christian

17 5 p. 669-678
6 Identification of key drivers for improving inventory management in pharmaceutical supply chains Hansen, Zaza Nadja Lee

17 5 p. 763-772
7 Investigation into the influence of the interlayer temperature on machinability and microstructure of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Fuchs, Christina

17 5 p. 703-714
8 Numerical investigation of the thermal convective phenomenon around a circular micro-coil with variable internal width Fatna, Bahlouli

17 5 p. 653-668
9 Optimal design for compliance modeling of industrial robots with bayesian inference of stiffnesses Tepper, Cornelia

17 5 p. 643-651
10 Reusable unit process life cycle inventory for manufacturing: high speed laser directed energy deposition Ehmsen, Svenja

17 5 p. 715-731
11 Smart factory mapping and design: methodological approaches Magnus, Christian S.

17 5 p. 753-762
12 Stitched preform characterization for satellite structures Saboktakin, Abbasali

17 5 p. 679-688
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland