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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Cascaded heat merit order for industrial energy systems to evaluate district heating potential Kohne, Thomas

17 2 p. 307-318
2 Creation and validation of systems for product and process configuration based on data analysis Frey, Alex Maximilian

17 2 p. 263-277
3 Data quality evaluation for smart multi-sensor process monitoring using data fusion and machine learning algorithms Segreto, Tiziana

17 2 p. 197-210
4 Digital-based production: introduction and fields of application Metternich, J.

17 2 p. 179-183
5 Function-oriented defect assessment in hybrid sheet molding compound tensile specimen using surrogate models Bretz, Lucas

17 2 p. 223-236
6 Graph-based prediction of missing KPIs through optimization and random forests for KPI systems May, Marvin Carl

17 2 p. 211-222
7 In-situ characterization of tool temperatures using in-tool integrated thermoresistive thin-film sensors González, Germán

17 2 p. 319-328
8 Investigation of industrial die-cast Al-alloys using X-ray micro-computed tomography and machine learning approach for CT segmentation Yusuke, Katanaga

17 2 p. 291-305
9 Modular lightweight robot system for aircraft production using a generic OPC UA skill concept Koch, Philip

17 2 p. 329-339
10 Quality prediction for milling processes: automated parametrization of an end-to-end machine learning pipeline Fertig, Alexander

17 2 p. 237-245
11 Research on the evaluation method of the operation status of digital workshop in discrete manufacturing industry Wang, Qiang

17 2 p. 247-261
12 Study on learning efficient stroke representations in clocked sheet metal processing: theoretical and practical evaluation Niemietz, Philipp

17 2 p. 279-289
13 Tool management optimisation through traceability and tool wear prediction in the aviation industry Schreiber, Markus

17 2 p. 185-195
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland