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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An optical-flow-based monitoring method for measuring translational motion in infrared-thermographic images of AFP processes Denkena, Berend

16 4 p. 569-578
2 A novel tool monitoring approach for diamond wire sawing Denkena, Berend

16 4 p. 561-568
3 A structured methodology to support human–robot collaboration configuration choice Gervasi, Riccardo

16 4 p. 435-451
4 Experimental investigation into the implications of transmission errors for rack-and-pinion drives Steinle, Lukas

16 4 p. 453-463
5 Hybrid manufacturing of topology optimized machine tool parts through a layer laminated manufacturing method Helfesrieder, Nico

16 4 p. 493-502
6 Influence of dressing strategy on tool wear and performance behavior in grinding of forming tools with toric grinding pins Denkena, Berend

16 4 p. 513-522
7 Methodology for the integrative adaption of manufacturing process and inspection sequences to component changes of safety–critical medical products Stauder, Lars

16 4 p. 535-544
8 Process design of a novel combination of peel grinding and deep rolling Denkena, Berend

16 4 p. 503-512
9 Tool type and macrostructure for magnetic abrasive finishing of flat surfaces on CNC machine tools Zelinko, A.

16 4 p. 523-533
10 Tool wear and remaining useful life (RUL) prediction based on reduced feature set and Bayesian hyperparameter optimization Zegarra, Fabio C.

16 4 p. 465-480
11 Virtual indoor-GPS for measurement uncertainty determination in reconfigurable environments Nicksch, Christoph

16 4 p. 545-560
12 Workpiece image-based tool wear classification in blanking processes using deep convolutional neural networks Molitor, Dirk Alexander

16 4 p. 481-492
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland