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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive aerodynamic part feeding enabled by genetic algorithm Blankemeyer, Sebastian

16 1 p. 1-8
2 An joint decision of production and maintenance plan (Q, N) for a two-stage deteriorating JIT production system with random breakdowns Shao, Xiao

16 1 p. 89-107
3 An optimal multivariate control chart for correlated Poisson variables using multiple dependent state sampling GarcĂ­a-Bustos, Sandra

16 1 p. 145-155
4 Application of interpolation methods for the determination of position-dependent frequency response functions for the simulation of 5-axis milling processes Wilck, I.

16 1 p. 135-144
5 Correction to: Performance measurement for offline inspections under variable interactions and inspection errors in low-volume production Verna, Elisa

16 1 p. 173
6 Evaluation and optimisation of a slurry-based layer casting process in additive manufacturing using multiphase simulations and spatial reconstruction Erhard, P.

16 1 p. 43-54
7 Experimental derivation of a condition monitoring test cycle for machine tool feed drives Benker, Maximilian

16 1 p. 55-64
8 Improving quality prediction in radial-axial ring rolling using a semi-supervised approach and generative adversarial networks for synthetic data generation Fahle, Simon

16 1 p. 175-185
9 Methodology for an automatic and early manufacturing technology selection on a component level Buechler, Tobias

16 1 p. 23-41
10 Optimization of a clamping concept based on machine learning Feng, Qi

16 1 p. 9-22
11 Performance measurement for offline inspections under variable interactions and inspection errors in low-volume production Verna, Elisa

16 1 p. 157-172
12 Predictive maintenance integrated production scheduling by applying deep generative prognostics models: approach, formulation and solution Zhai, Simon

16 1 p. 65-88
13 Two decades of research trends and transformations in manufacturing sustainability: a systematic literature review and future research agenda Jamwal, Anbesh

16 1 p. 109-133
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland