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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of Operation of the Protection for a DC Traction Network Kuznetsov, S. M.

93 5 p. 336-340
2 Calculation of Vibration Characteristics of a Two-Mass Electromagnetically Excited Processing Unit Markov, A. V.

93 5 p. 294-298
3 Comparative Triggering Analysis of Modified Cascade H Bridge Multilevel Inverter Shivinder Mehta,

93 5 p. 350-359
4 Effect of Permanent-Magnet Temperature and Rotor-Magnet-System Design on the External Characteristic of a Magnetoelectrically Excited Generator Operating in an Autonomous Load Mode Babitsky, D. Yu.

93 5 p. 315-319
5 Effect of Shaft Twisting on Electromagnetic Torque Reduction of a Submersible Oil-Pump Motor Vyaltsev, G. B.

93 5 p. 310-314
6 Half-Bridge Single-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter with Dimming Capability for Lighting Applications Behnam Abbasi Soltani,

93 5 p. 341-349
7 Load Soft Switching between the Main Power Grid and the Backup Grid by Fast Automatic Transfer Switching Chervonenko, A. P.

93 5 p. 299-304
8 Methods to Calculate the Rectangular-Bus Package Impedance for an Ore-Thermal Furnace Goreva, L. P.

93 5 p. 285-289
9 Selection of the Ratios of Basic Dimensions of an Electromagnetic Drive with an Open-Ended Axial Channel Neyman, V. Yu.

93 5 p. 290-293
10 Signal-Adaptive Control System of an Induction-Motor Drive Kucher, E. S.

93 5 p. 305-309
11 Simulation Model of an Electric-Traction Network Yaroslavtsev, M. V.

93 5 p. 331-335
12 Simulation of a Turn-to-Turn Short Circuit in an Induction-Motor Rotor Winding Lavrenov, E. O.

93 5 p. 326-330
13 12-Zone AC Machine Winding Shanshurov, G. A.

93 5 p. 320-325
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland