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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Air-Independent Power Plants for Marine Vehicles Klyachko, L. M.

91 9 p. 582-586
2 A Mathematical Model of a Collector Traction Motor with Separate Consideration of Eddy Currents of the Main and Additional Poles Evseev, V. Yu.

91 9 p. 557-563
3 An Intelligent Evaluation System for Predicting Engine Driver Reliability Sidorenko, V. G.

91 9 p. 587-591
4 A System for Controlling the Thermal Behavior of Voltage Source Inverters In’kov, Yu. M.

91 9 p. 564-567
5 A System for Controlling the Thermal Behavior of Voltage Source Inverters In’kov, Yu. M.

91 9 p. 537-540
6 Increasing Power Supply Reliability for Auxiliaries of Subway Traction Substations Using Energy Storage Devices Shevlyugin, M. V.

91 9 p. 552-556
7 Increasing the Energy Efficiency of DC Traction Power Supply Systems Bader, M. P.

91 9 p. 541-545
8 Methods of Providing Hardware Safety for Microprocessor Train Control Systems Bestemyanov, P. F.

91 9 p. 531-536
9 Modernization of a System of Protecting Adjacent DC Traction Network Feeders Grechishnikov, V. A.

91 9 p. 577-581
10 Optimization of Parameters of Automatic Speed Control System of a Freight Train with Distributed Traction Kiselev, M. D.

91 9 p. 568-576
11 Using the Quality Ability of Neural Networks to Determine Emergency Modes in a Traction Network Grechishnikov, V. A.

91 9 p. 546-551
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland