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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aberrant dynamic functional network connectivity in type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals Lyu, Wenjiao

17 6 p. 1525-1539
2 Automatic diagnosis of schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in rs-fMRI modality using convolutional autoencoder model and interval type-2 fuzzy regression Shoeibi, Afshin

17 6 p. 1501-1523
3 Classification of bipolar disorders using the multilayer modularity in dynamic minimum spanning tree from resting state fMRI Wang, Huan

17 6 p. 1609-1619
4 Coherence in event-related EEG oscillations in patients with Alzheimer’s disease dementia and amnestic mild cognitive impairment Fide, Ezgi

17 6 p. 1621-1635
5 Cross-module switching diversity of brain network nodes in resting and cognitive states Yi, Chao

17 6 p. 1485-1499
6 2D dynamic analysis of the disturbances in the calcium neuronal model and its implications in neurodegenerative disease Joshi, Hardik

17 6 p. 1637-1648
7 Design of auditory P300-based brain-computer interfaces with a single auditory channel and no visual support Choi, Yun-Joo

17 6 p. 1401-1416
8 DRF-DRC: dynamic receptive field and dense residual connections for model compression Wang, Wei

17 6 p. 1561-1573
9 Executive function elevated by long term high-intensity physical activity and the regulation role of beta-band activity in human frontal region Wang, Junxiang

17 6 p. 1463-1472
10 Hamilton energy balance and synchronization behaviors of two functional neurons Zhang, Li

17 6 p. 1683-1702
11 Low frequency oscillations during hand laterality judgment task with and without personal perspectives: a preliminary study Dilek, Burcu

17 6 p. 1447-1461
12 Multilevel and multifaceted brain response features in spiking, ERP and ERD: experimental observation and simultaneous generation in a neuronal network model with excitation–inhibition balance Ouyang, Guang

17 6 p. 1417-1431
13 Multiscale information interaction at local frequency band in functional corticomuscular coupling Cheng, Shengcui

17 6 p. 1575-1589
14 Propofol modulates neural dynamics of thalamo-cortical system associated with anesthetic levels in rats Jiang, Xuliang

17 6 p. 1541-1559
15 Seizure onset zone identification using phase-amplitude coupling and multiple machine learning approaches for interictal electrocorticogram Miao, Yao

17 6 p. 1591-1607
16 Spiking image processing unit based on neural analog of Boolean logic operations Nazari, Soheila

17 6 p. 1649-1660
17 Study of disorders in regulatory spatiotemporal neurodynamics of calcium and nitric oxide Pawar, Anand

17 6 p. 1661-1682
18 Temporal spectral evolution of pre-stimulus brain activity in visual and visuomotor tasks Sarrias-Arrabal, Esteban

17 6 p. 1433-1446
19 Transcranial alternating current stimulation ameliorates emotional attention through neural oscillations modulation Liu, Shuang

17 6 p. 1473-1483
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland