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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A multi-modal brain–computer interface based on threshold discrimination and its application in wheelchair control Dong, Enzeng

16 5 p. 1123-1133
2 An ensemble approach for healthcare application and diagnosis using natural language processing Alekhya, Badi

16 5 p. 1203-1220
3 Artificial intelligence enabled intrusion detection systems for cognitive cyber-physical systems in industry 4.0 environment Alohali, Manal Abdullah

16 5 p. 1045-1057
4 Complex dynamics of hair bundle of auditory nervous system (II): forced oscillations related to two cases of steady state Cao, Ben

16 5 p. 1163-1188
5 Design and implementation of intelligent patient in-house monitoring system based on efficient XGBoost-CNN approach Premalatha, G.

16 5 p. 1135-1149
6 Dynamic networks of P300-related process Tao, Qin

16 5 p. 975-985
7 EEG based functional brain networks analysis in dyslexic children during arithmetic task Seshadri, N. P. Guhan

16 5 p. 1013-1028
8 EEG–EMG coupling as a hybrid method for steering detection in car driving settings Vecchiato, Giovanni

16 5 p. 987-1002
9 Effects of double delays on bifurcation for a fractional-order neural network Zhao, Lingzhi

16 5 p. 1189-1201
10 Electromagnetic induction effects on electrical activity within a memristive Wilson neuron model Xu, Quan

16 5 p. 1221-1231
11 Emotion recognition using effective connectivity and pre-trained convolutional neural networks in EEG signals Bagherzadeh, Sara

16 5 p. 1087-1106
12 Hybrid brain model accurately predict human procrastination behavior Chen, Zhiyi

16 5 p. 1107-1121
13 Hypofunction of directed brain network within alpha frequency band in depressive patients: a graph-theoretic analysis Liu, Shuang

16 5 p. 1059-1071
14 Isolation of subjectively reported sleepiness and objectively measured vigilance during sleep deprivation: a resting-state fMRI study Tian, Yun

16 5 p. 1151-1162
15 New exploration on bifurcation for fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks involving leakage delays Xu, Changjin

16 5 p. 1233-1248
16 Selective corticocortical connectivity suppression during propofol-induced anesthesia in healthy volunteers Wang, Haidong

16 5 p. 1029-1043
17 Single-trial motor imagery electroencephalogram intention recognition by optimal discriminant hyperplane and interpretable discriminative rectangle mixture model Fu, Rongrong

16 5 p. 1073-1085
18 Time-estimation process could cause the disappearence of readiness potential Zhang, Lipeng

16 5 p. 1003-1011
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland