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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptation of the Structure of Subsurface Layers of Antifriction Copper Alloys during Friction with Various Lubricants Polyakov, S. A.

43 4 p. 277-285
2 Composition and Thickness Effect of TiAlN-Type Nanocoatings on the Strength of Their Bond with Iron: Quantum Chemical Analysis Migal, Yu. F.

43 4 p. 286-292
3 Critical Sliding in Rolling Bearings under Hydrodynamic Friction Conditions Klebanov, I. M.

43 4 p. 255-261
4 Model of Wear of Working Attachments of Earth Digging Machines upon Interaction with a Soil Mass Grigorev, P. A.

43 4 p. 262-266
5 On the Effect of the Chemical Composition of a Steel Counterbody on the Wear Rate of a Low-Filled PTFE/SiO2 Composite Aderikha, V. N.

43 4 p. 221-228
6 Optimization of Tribotechnical Properties of Fibrous Carding Tape in the Production of Artificial Fur Buevich, T. V.

43 4 p. 243-247
7 Simulation of the Thermal Process in a Polymeric Slide Bearing with a Reciprocally Moving Shaft Starostin, N. P.

43 4 p. 267-272
8 The Structural Aspects of Frictional Wear of Nanocomposites on the Base of Polyetherketone Kozlov, G. V.

43 4 p. 273-276
9 The Structure and Properties of a Biodegradable Grease with a Mixed Dispersion Medium and a Heterogeneous Lithium–Calcium Dispersed Phase Zhornik, V. I.

43 4 p. 229-235
10 Tribotechnical and Corrosion Characteristics of Electrospark Fe–Al Aluminide Coatings on AISI 304 Stainless Steel Burkov, A. A.

43 4 p. 236-242
11 Tribotechnical Properties of Composite Boron–Carbon Coatings Piliptsou, D. G.

43 4 p. 248-254
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland