nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
Allowing for Coulomb effects in the effective range expansion for two coupled channels
Blokhintsev, L. D. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 425-428 |
artikel |
2 |
Analysis of experimental data on the key thermonuclear reactions going within the low energy range
Abramovich, S. N. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 389-395 |
artikel |
3 |
Analyzing the p(6He, n gamma)6Li reaction
Galanina, L. I. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 413-416 |
artikel |
4 |
A new database (Digital Chart) of main GDR parameters
Varlamov, V. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 491-495 |
artikel |
5 |
Calculating neutron single-particle energies for Zr isotopes near N = 50, 70, 82
Bespalova, O. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 502-506 |
artikel |
6 |
Calculation analyzing power in the elastic scattering of protons on 15C and 15N nuclei in the diffraction theory
Ibraeva, E. T. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 417-421 |
artikel |
7 |
Competition between pairing and deformation in finite Fermi systems
Vlasnikov, A. K. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 472-475 |
artikel |
8 |
Dynamic tunnel effect at low-energy nuclear reactions with neutron-rich nuclei
Samarin, V. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 450-453 |
artikel |
9 |
Energy calibration of a ΔE-E scintillation telescope in (α, p) reaction
Zuev, S. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 396-399 |
artikel |
10 |
Evaluating the yield of transuranium nuclides with masses of up to A = 270 via pulsed nucleosynthesis
Lutostansky, Yu. S. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 462-466 |
artikel |
11 |
Experimental studies of (n, α) reaction cross-sections performed at the Institute for Physics and Power Engineering
Khryachkov, V. A. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 486-490 |
artikel |
12 |
Flavor structure of the electroweak spectra of monoenergetic solar neutrinos scattered by electron
Romanov, Yu. I. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 507-510 |
artikel |
13 |
Mechanism of the appearance of angular distribution anisotropy for evaporation neutrons in center-of-mass systems emitting their thermalized fission fragments
Kadmensky, S. G. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 457-461 |
artikel |
14 |
Multicluster structure of the ground and excited states of the 9Be nucleus
Zhusupov, M. A. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 429-432 |
artikel |
15 |
On the possibility of accelerating α decay: To the problem of disposing of radioactive nuclear waste
Gurevich, G. M. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 454-456 |
artikel |
16 |
Phase-equivalent transformation which does not affect bound state properties and its manifestation in many-body systems
Shirokov, A. M. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 496-501 |
artikel |
17 |
Reconstruction of an energy spectrum of fast neutrons (20–60 MeV) of the radex channel (INR) by the inverse problem method
Zuev, S. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 409-412 |
artikel |
18 |
Resonance structure of the beta-strength function
Lutostansky, Yu. S. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 476-480 |
artikel |
19 |
Spectroscopic factors in the 7Li → d + 5He{α} fragmentation channel
Afanas’eva, N. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 444-445 |
artikel |
20 |
Spectroscopy of the 9Li isotope in stopped-pion absorption reactions
Korotkova, L. Yu. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 400-403 |
artikel |
21 |
Tensor polarization of 24Mg and 28Si nuclei in inelastic scattering of α particles at Eα = 30.3 MeV
Galanina, L. I. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 422-424 |
artikel |
22 |
The A dependence of proton yields in the absorption reaction of stopped π− mesons
Korotkova, L. Yu. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 404-408 |
artikel |
23 |
The characteristics of the 8Be ground state in the effective-range approximation
Orlov, Yu. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 446-449 |
artikel |
24 |
The construction of wave functions in the 7Li → d + 5He channel by the projection method
Afanas’eva, N. V. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 433-437 |
artikel |
25 |
The possibility of using screened coulomb potentials in calculating asymptotic normalization coefficients
Blokhintsev, L. D. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 438-443 |
artikel |
26 |
True ternary fission of 236U: A sequential mechanism?
Nasirov, A. K. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 467-471 |
artikel |
27 |
Yields of photonuclear reactions on Sn isotopes at an energy of 29.1 MeV
Ishkhanov, B. S. |
2012 |
76 |
4 |
p. 481-485 |
artikel |