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                             41 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accumulation of Cd, Cr, and Pb and Sustainable Detoxification in Sewage-Irrigated Soils Sahu, Vipin

48 Suppl 1 p. 383-391
2 Adaptability of Naked Barley Accessions in Terms of the Content of β-Glucans in Grain and Its Size in the Conditions of Eastern Siberia Polonskiy, V. I.

48 Suppl 1 p. 328-333
3 Adaptability of Spring Barley Varieties Bred at FANC of the Northeast Sheshegova, T. K.

48 Suppl 1 p. 156-161
4 Adaptability of the Sorghum Bicolor Rhizosphere Microbiocoenosis Inoculated by Microbial Agents in Southern Chernozem Soils Abdurashytova, E. R.

48 Suppl 1 p. 212-218
5 Age-Related Changes in Enzyme Activity in Pancreas, Intestines, and Blood Plasma of Broiler Chickens of the Smena 9 Breed Vertiprakhov, V. G.

48 Suppl 1 p. 302-308
6 Agrochemical Indicators, Content and Reserves of Mobile and Nonexchangeable Potassium Forms in the Profile of Arable Soddy-Podzolic Soil of a Long-Term Experiment with Introduction of Increasing NPK Doses Zavyalova, N. E.

48 Suppl 1 p. 504-511
7 Agroecological Efficiency of Traditional and New Organic Fertilizers Merzlaya, G. E.

48 Suppl 1 p. 499-503
8 Analysis and Short-Term Forecast of Climatic Changes in the Adaptive Breeding of Spring Cereals Kincharov, A. I.

48 Suppl 1 p. 13-22
9 Assessing the Effect of Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements in the Hair and Milk of Cows on the Intestinal Microbiome Sizova, E. A.

48 Suppl 1 p. 413-421
10 Assessment of Toxic Side Effects of Canned Cauliflower in a Model Plant Test System Samoylov, A. V.

48 Suppl 1 p. 527-532
11 Biotechnology in the Creation of Spring Barley Varieties Shchennikova, I. N.

48 Suppl 1 p. 264-269
12 Biotechnology of Cultivation of Rhaponticum Carthamoides (willd.) Suspension Cells: A Prospective Source of Antitumor Substances Prosekov, A. Yu.

48 Suppl 1 p. 197-202
13 Certain Methodological Aspects of Creating and Identifying Transgressive Highly Productive Recombinants of Winter Wheat Grabovets, A. I.

48 Suppl 1 p. 427-432
14 Changes in Soil Properties Attributable to Land-Use Variation in Southwestern Ethiopia Lishan, Tesfaye

48 Suppl 1 p. 392-399
15 Determining the Structural Carbohydrates and Lignin Levels in Forage Using the Van Soest and Kizel Methods Khudyakova, Kh. K.

48 Suppl 1 p. 400-404
16 Ecological Aspects of the Productivity of Nigella Varieties under the Conditions of the Middle Volga Region Prakhova, T. Ya.

48 Suppl 1 p. 169-173
17 Effect of Date Syrup “Dibs” on Some Performance, Behavioural Indicators in Broiler Chickens Raised under Saudi Arabia Conditions Al-Ramamneh, Diya

48 Suppl 1 p. 309-315
18 Effect of Deficit Irrigation Using Treated Wastewater on Eggplant Yields, Water Productivity, Fruit Quality and Mineral Contents Al-Hadidi, Luna

48 Suppl 1 p. 63-73
19 Effect of Environmental Factors on CO2 Emission from Plowed Meadow-Chernozemic Soil in the Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia Voronkova, N. A.

48 Suppl 1 p. 378-382
20 Effect of Fertilizer Systems on Winter Wheat Yield and Grain Quality in Tillage Systems Involving Traditional and Surface Treatment of Sod–Podzolic Sandy Loam Soil Seraya, T. M.

48 Suppl 1 p. S44-S51
21 Effects of Baikal EM-1 on the Ecological State of Haplic Chernozem with Oil, Crude Oil, and Gasoline Pollution Ruseva, A. S.

48 Suppl 1 p. 369-377
22 Features of Growth and Development of Two-Row (v. nutans) and Six-Row (v. rikotense) Barley Varieties in Agriculture Lighting Environments Tikhomirov, A. A.

48 Suppl 1 p. 149-155
23 Hydrothermal Indices for Interphase Periods and Yields of Barley Varieties in Different Ripening Groups Blokhin, V. I.

48 Suppl 1 p. 440-445
24 Insectofungicides on Winter Wheat in Rostov Oblast Shorokhov, M. N.

48 Suppl 1 p. 459-466
25 Lawn Variety Samples of Tall Fescue and Their Seed Productivity Kosolapov, V. M.

48 Suppl 1 p. 1-7
26 Morphofunctional Changes in Frozen-Thawed Sperm of Apis Mellifera Linnaeus Drones Gulov, A. N.

48 Suppl 1 p. 512-520
27 Multiple Parameter Assessment of Grain Quality for Populations of Winter Rye with Various Viscosity of Water Extract Goncharenko, A. A.

48 Suppl 1 p. 80-88
28 Nitrogen Content in Soil and Yield of Winter Wheat under Different Basic Tillage Methods of Typical Chernozem with the Use of Biologization Methods Khusainov, Kh. A.

48 Suppl 1 p. 476-481
29 Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency Improvement through Increased Plant Residue Input into Soils in the West Siberian Forest Steppe Sharkov, I. N.

48 Suppl 1 p. S21-S28
30 Omsk-103 High-Yielding New Spring-Barley Cultivar Yusova, O. A.

48 Suppl 1 p. 454-458
31 Phenotypic Expression of Brown Rust Resistance in Wheat: Element Modeling Kolesnikov, L. E.

48 Suppl 1 p. 103-114
32 Progressive Accumulation of Harmful Fusariums on the Winter Wheat Grain on Farms in the South of Russia (2014–2020) Budynkow, N. I.

48 Suppl 1 p. S103-S113
33 Radiation Safety of Agrosphere in the Vicinity of Nuclear Power Plants Panov, A. V.

48 Suppl 1 p. 23-29
34 Resistance of Far Eastern Rice Oryza Sativa L. Varieties and Competitive Testing Samples to Pyricularia Oryzae Cav. Ilyushko, M. V.

48 Suppl 1 p. 8-12
35 Silage-Crop Vegetative Mass Yields and Nutrition Duborezov, I. V.

48 Suppl 1 p. 239-243
36 Source Material of Spring Durum Wheat for Breeding Varieties Resistant to Pathogens That Cause Wheat Black Point Mal’chikov, P. N.

48 Suppl 1 p. 446-453
37 Sugar Beet Harvest Depending on Crop Rotation, Method of Basic Tillage, and Dose of Mineral and Organic Fertilizers Tyutyunov, S. I.

48 Suppl 1 p. 57-62
38 Testing of Low-Intensity Laser Radiation in the Visible Spectrum Mutagenic Effect Hypothesis Budagovsky, A. V.

48 Suppl 1 p. 192-196
39 Transformation of Agrosoddy-Podzolic Soil Underwent Hidden Degradation under Accelerated Fertility Reproduction Ivanov, A. I.

48 Suppl 1 p. 492-498
40 Underutilized Plant Cymbopogon pendulus Derived Essential Oil Is Excellent Source of Bioactives with Diverse Biological Activities Agnish, Suraj

48 Suppl 1 p. 89-102
41 Yield Maximization of Haricot Bean by Lime, Phosphorus and Biofertilizer in Ethiopia Negash, Haile

48 Suppl 1 p. 134-142
                             41 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland