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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accumulation of Cd, Cr, and Pb and Sustainable Detoxification in Sewage-Irrigated Soils Sahu, Vipin

48 5 p. 383-391
2 Adaptability of Naked Barley Accessions in Terms of the Content of β-Glucans in Grain and Its Size in the Conditions of Eastern Siberia Polonskiy, V. I.

48 5 p. 328-333
3 Age Optimization of First Calving to Achieve the Best Reproductive Performance in Holstein Dairy Cattle Dastranj, Mohammad-Zaman

48 5 p. 422-426
4 Assessing the Effect of Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements in the Hair and Milk of Cows on the Intestinal Microbiome Sizova, E. A.

48 5 p. 413-421
5 Changes in Soil Properties Attributable to Land-Use Variation in Southwestern Ethiopia Lishan, Tesfaye

48 5 p. 392-399
6 Determining the Structural Carbohydrates and Lignin Levels in Forage Using the Van Soest and Kizel Methods Khudyakova, Kh. K.

48 5 p. 400-404
7 Dielectric Behavior of Soils as the Basis for Its Agroecological Monitoring Voronin, A. Ya.

48 5 p. 358-364
8 Effect of Environmental Factors on CO2 Emission from Plowed Meadow-Chernozemic Soil in the Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia Voronkova, N. A.

48 5 p. 378-382
9 Effects of Baikal EM-1 on the Ecological State of Haplic Chernozem with Oil, Crude Oil, and Gasoline Pollution Ruseva, A. S.

48 5 p. 369-377
10 Heat and Transport Stress in Industrial Poultry: Problems and Solution Miftakhutdinov, A. V.

48 5 p. 405-412
11 Morphological and Cultural Properties of Grain Septoria Pathogens in Various Agroclimatic Zones of the Russian Federation Zeleneva, Yu. V.

48 5 p. 350-357
12 New Promising Varieties and Lines of Chaffy and Naked Oats for Mowing and Universal Use Vologzhanina, E. N.

48 5 p. 321-327
13 No-Till Technology and Its Role in Humus Accumulation in Typical Chernozem Yudin, S. A.

48 5 p. 365-368
14 Research Techniques for the Quality of Wholemeal Rye Flour Ponomareva, M. L.

48 5 p. 334-343
15 Species Diversity of Brachycera (Diptera) in Urban- and Agro-Ecosystems of Krasnodar and the Environs of the Village of Elkhotovo (North Ossetia) Petrishchev, V. S.

48 5 p. 344-349
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland